Warriors Tomb Reopens Amazing What Youll Find Inside NanoPress Travels

Warrior’s Tomb Reopens, Amazing What You’ll Find Inside NanoPress Travels

A warrior’s tomb has unearthed a truly impressive treasure. Here’s what was hidden inside.

Tomb of a warrior reopened – travel.nanopress.it

There were epochs, where there was kings, queens And Knight who defended their territory on elegant steeds.

These must be remembered for their battles and many are still very famous today due to their historical importance.

The discovery of the warrior’s tomb that surprised everyone

We all know and are fascinated by the actions of the King Arthur and gods Knights of the Round Table.

But even today there are many doubts as to whether these really existed or remain a fantasy described in the Breton cycle.

The mystery remains today, but the stories that sell the protagonists as knights errant and in love are among the most popular and admired even in modern times.

Because we imagine times when things seemed more adventurous and romantic.

Warrior – travel.nanopress.it

But we mustn’t be fooled by cinematic depictions or seen in cartoons, because the reality was very different.

Today, thanks to technology, we have a way to simplify some of our gestures, while in the Age of Knights, in addition to poor sanitation, it could take many days to go from one city to another, although it was very close.

Usually some Warrior, especially this one viking o Kings of high importance were placed under gods after their death boats.

These were scrolled along the Flow or the sea closer and a fiery arrow was shot, which ended right at their body, and they were left to burn so that the ashes were scattered in the water and in the air.

Other warriors, on the other hand, were buried in the practice we are all familiar with, and the grave of one of these revealed great surprises.

The treasure found in the tomb

Found in the District Shipment, in the municipality of MunichIn Germany, After excavations, a Celtic tomb of a warrior was recovered.

Upon opening, archaeologists were amazed at the beauty of the grave goods and how well they have held up over the years.

The team of specialists tasked with finding the artifactState Office for the Preservation of Monumentsfound many treasures.

Including a pair of scissors 2,300 years agoa folded sword, a shield, a spearhead, a razor, and a fibula.

Warrior’s Treasures – travel.nanopress.it

The discovery took place after the specialists received an order to intervene for a security measure of the presence of possible 19th century bombs Second War World.

Personnel searching for the explosives saw, thanks to metal detectors, that in one part of the country the device was ringing non-stop.

At first they thought they had found war material, but instead they found themselves in front of a truly valuable discovery for the world of archeology.

The specialists were amazed by the quality of the objects in the warrior’s tomb, although all these years have passed.