Hatred of Martineau and Bock Cote has become a hiring criterion

Hatred of Martineau and Bock-Côté has become a hiring criterion

Hatred of columnists Richard Martineau and Mathieu Bock-Côté has become a hiring criterion for a non-profit organization in the Eastern Townships looking for a communications agent.

“Do you gnash your teeth when you read Richard Martineau and Mathieu Bock-Côté? This offer is for you!” we read this week on the Solidarité populaire Estrie (PES) Facebook page, in a message addressed to the journal’s popular columnists.

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The publication advertising the job vacancy of the organization “for the collective defense of rights” has since been deleted and then replaced by a new one that did not mention the columnists.

“I am now a recruitment criterion! ” joked Mathieu Bock-Côté (MBC), posting the screenshot of the message on his Twitter account.

hate message

Along with Le Journal, he saw hateful news in that publication, “even a ritual of vomiting on two people who have been targeted for their opinions”.

“If you want to get into the business, you have to tap on these two, it is the entry Pinata. When you meet Martineau and Bock-Côté, you are part of the club,” he notes.

He also links this behavior to the leftist movement in Quebec. “It’s very awake, very Québec Solidaire […] It is almost a sign of virtue to insult us. And they took the audacity even further by making that hatred of us a hiring criterion.

According to the information gathered on the website, the PES organization was founded in 1986 to promote and defend the economic, social and cultural interests of the people of Estrie, with the aim of achieving greater social justice.

unions and students

The list of constituents consists mainly of trade union and student associations and community groups in Estrie.

At first, Mathieu Bock-Côté thought it was a voluntary association made up of a few crackpots, before realizing that there were serious organizations behind the PES.

“We should ask each of these organizations if they support these comments,” he said.

For his part, Richard Martineau also finds it disturbing that obtaining a job depends on a candidate’s loyalty or opinion. For him, it’s like traveling back in time to the 1950s.

“If you were a communist, you were banned from certain jobs, and if you like certain columnists, you can’t have the job […] I understand the irony of it, he’s looking for people from the left, but I find that rather inappropriate. I’m not sure the governments that fund these types of organizations would be very happy with that,” concludes Martineau.

At this time, SPE has not yet responded to our interview request.

Here are some important associations in the list of member groups of the organization Solidarité populaire Estrie

  • AÉCS Student Association of Cégep de Sherbrooke
  • AGEFLESH-General Student Association of the Philosophical Faculty
  • Amnesty International Sherbrooke
  • Regional Council -FTQ Estrie
  • CSD headquarters of the democratic trade unions
  • CCSNE Central Council of National Unions of Estrie
  • CSQ-Central Quebec Unions
  • FEUS-UdeS Student Federation
  • REMDUS bundling of master’s, diploma and doctoral students at the UdeS
  • SCCCUS – syndicate of UdeS lecturers
  • SEE-Estrie Education Union – CSQ
  • SEIC-FTQ/Canada Employment and Immigration Union – FTQ
  • SFPQ-Union of Public and Parapublic Employees of Quebec
  • SPECS- Union of Teachers of Cégep de Sherbrooke
  • CSRS-CSQ SPTA/CSRS technical and administrative staff union