1683397319 These 6 cities are considered the most polluted in the

These 6 cities are considered the most polluted in the world! Multiverse News

There are some cities that are considered to be the most polluted in the world. These places have been taken over by pollution and brought an unpleasant sight to these places, so many people have to muster up the courage to visit them.

Get to know six of these cities that are completely polluted and attract attention with this detail. And the question remains: would you dare to visit these places? Check the list and then tell us!

The 6 most polluted cities in the world by rankingPhoto: AFPJIJI

1. Linfen—China

Located in China, the city ranks first among the most polluted in the world, reaching this level due to the region’s coal exploitation.

To give you an idea, the air in Linfen is so polluted that people do not leave their homes without wearing special masks. Also, the place always seems to be covered by a large layer of fog, which is actually pollution.

2. Dzerzhinsk Russia

Secondly, this city in Russia is another completely polluted place. Dzerzhinsk was one of the places with the highest concentration of chemical weapons production in the country, so much so that it is now considered the most chemically contaminated city. The water taken over by the chemical waste turned into a real sticky black mud.

3. Sukinda India

A steel called chrome is responsible for making this Indian city the third most polluted in the world. There is also an aggravating factor, as many people suffer from it. The water and soil are completely toxic as mining waste is dumped into the river.

4. La Oroya—Peru

Here lead mining was the main reason for the pollution of the air, soil and water. Currently, residents of La Oroya are trying to shut down the main factory that exploits the toxic metal and is causing problems for the whole city.

But even if the factory closes due to years of exploitation of the metal, it will remain in the ground for a long time.

5. Haina Dominican Republic

Anyone who thinks that there are only clean and beautiful beaches in the Caribbean is wrong. In Haina, Dominican Republic, residents are BREATHING lead. you read that

The air carries countless particles of this heavy metal, which originated from a battery recycling plant that existed in 1997 but still produces negative results.

6. Chernobyl Ukraine

This is surely known as one of the most polluted places in the world due to the 1986 radioactive accident.

The site was the scene of radiation a hundred times greater than that of the atomic bomb itself, and the city had to be evacuated. To this day, the area surrounding the plant is filled with emptiness as it is forbidden to live there.