Italy maintains anti Covid 19 measures after global emergency ends

Italy maintains anti Covid 19 measures after global emergency ends

Italian Health Minister Roberto Schillaci said in statements published this Monday on the PMI information website that the regulations remain in place for the time being due to “the risk of new variants emerging that could cause new waves of cases and deaths”. .

“The worst thing countries can do now is use this news to lower their vigilance, dismantle the system they have built and send the message to people that Covid-19 is no longer a reason to be To worry. The virus is here to stay,” Schillaci added.

In this sense, the measures currently in force in Italy remain in force, both for the treatment of positive cases and for the return to the community, including the isolation of positive people after a molecular or antigen diagnostic test for SARS-CoV -2.

Among these regulations is the one that states that infected people, including asymptomatic people, must remain isolated for five days from the first positive test and the use of FFP2 masks is mandatory for them until the tenth day after the onset of symptoms. or from the first positive test.

On the other hand, anyone who has been in close contact with a Covid-19 positive must comply with a self-monitoring program that makes wearing an FFP2 mask indoors or at gatherings compulsory for at least five days.

Healthcare workers must continue to undergo daily antigen or molecular testing for up to five days after last exposure, according to the publication.

According to the latest official report, 20,822 cases of Covid-19 and 166 deaths were reported in Italy from April 28 to May 4, with a decrease in infections and an increase in deaths compared to the previous week.

The report states that these figures represent a significant 10.0 percent decrease in the number of new infections with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 compared to the 23,132 recorded between April 21 and 27.

In this last week, however, deaths increased by 6.4 percent compared to the 156 people who died from the disease in the previous seven days, a fact that worries experts.

In the most recent period analyzed, 324,660 laboratory tests were performed to detect the disease, and the positivity rate was 6.4 percent, down 0.5 points from the 6.9 percentage estimated at the same previous stage, the well adds.
