The situation for Christians in India has deteriorated since violence escalated on April 28. Accordingly NGO Open Doorsethnic Christians who in India are a minority suffered persecution again. More than 100 churches were destroyed and burned, and more than 300 houses, including vicarages, were also burned. According to local NGO reporters, more than 15,000 Christians had to seek refuge in a camp.
The new wave of violence against professing Indians has left 17 dead and dozens of Christians threatened with death. Many also suffered physical violence. An Indian woman interviewed by Open Doors said: “The situation for churches in India is dire. Houses and properties are on fire. People live in fear and without hope for the future. We need you to raise your voice against the injustice and atrocities facing Christians.”
According to the NGO Portas Abertas, more than 100 churches were set on fire. (Representative Photo)On Saturday 6th the wave of violence subsided but the risk of a new wave of attacks on human life and invasions of Christian property remains. The situation is so serious that the Manipur state government has ordered local police to fire “warning shots” in cases of extreme violence. The Indian woman, who witnessed acts of violence against Christians in the country, also said: “We demand that the Indian government publicly condemns acts of violence against Christian minorities in India.” The situation of the churches in India is worrying.
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