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Europe Day: President of the Sobotka National Council visits workshop on democracy in Montenegro (PK0497/09.05.2023) Austrian Parliament

Vienna/Podgorica (PK) – As part of his current trip to the Western Balkans, National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka visited the Montenegrin Parliament’s democracy workshop in Podgorica today on Europe Day. The focus of the exchange with young visitors to the workshop on democracy was the importance of democracy and the European Union, as well as Montenegro’s accession process to the EU.

In a conversation with the Speaker of the Montenegrin Parliament Danijela Đurović, Sobotka exchanged views on the situation in the region, the EU accession process, bilateral relations and the far-reaching international consequences of the war against Ukraine.

10-year democracy workshop in Montenegro: successful model of democracy education

In 2013, the “Demokratske Radionice Barbara Prammer” started in the Montenegrin Parliament based on the Austrian model. During the visit to the Democracy Workshop, the President of the National Council congratulated his counterpart Danijela Đurović on this year’s birthday. With the democracy workshop and other initiatives, a wide range of offers for children and young people were created to convey democracy and parliamentarism in the Austrian parliament. It is even more gratifying that the successful concept of the democracy workshop has also proven itself in other countries, such as Montenegro. Over the past ten years, this has been organized with particular zeal in Montenegro and has therefore become a “model” for other countries.

During the exchange with young people in the democracy workshop, Sobotka was impressed by their keen interest. It is up to young people to decide how the future of their home country and Europe will be shaped, Sobotka called for active participation. In view of misinformation and hatred on social networks, a critical view of these contents is also necessary. Europe lives on its civil society and on the interest and participation of its citizens, who every day make their contribution to a vibrant democracy. Democracy is not a given, it is a permanent fight for it.

May 9, 1950 is considered the birth of the European Union. In 1950, people were shaken by war and its horror. They came together to build together a free and peaceful Europe – a Europe characterized by cooperation rather than conflict, by common fundamental rights and freedoms, democracy and the rule of law, explained Sobotka. To counter anti-democratic and totalitarian trends, it is essential to defend these values, live them with self-confidence and defend them unanimously, Sobotka stressed. It is important to support the countries of the Western Balkans on their way to the European Union so that, in the future, commitments and forward-looking solutions to the major challenges facing society can be negotiated and implemented together in an enlarged Union.

Excellent relations between Montenegro and Austria

Bilateral relations between Montenegro and Austria are excellent and characterized by cooperation, emphasized the President of the National Council during his talks with Speaker of Parliament Danijela Đurović. On an economic level, Austria is among the top 10 investors in Montenegro. Sobotka was convinced that the reforms and progress needed for EU membership would make the location even more attractive for investment by Austrian companies.

Regional developments on the road from the Western Balkans to the EU

The Western Balkans are the priority region for Austria and the Austrian Parliament. The President of the National Council emphasized that bringing the Western Balkan countries closer to the European Union is therefore a very important concern for Austria. Of all the Western Balkan countries, Montenegro is the most advanced in accession negotiations and has been a “model” for other countries. But Montenegro must urgently return to the course of reform, Sobotka urged. In any case, Austria will do everything to ensure that the rapprochement of the Western Balkan countries continues to be given due importance at European level. In view of the prioritization of the integration of Ukraine and Moldova into the EU, which was demanded by many, Sobotka demanded that there should be no two classes of candidates for membership.

In addition, the two counterparts exchanged views on the war against Ukraine and its far-reaching consequences. Sobotka renewed the Austrian position and condemned the illegal, unjustified and unprovoked Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. The war against Ukraine also shows the need for an EU as a community of peace and for the countries of the Western Balkans to move closer to the European Union.

Successful example of parliamentary cooperation

In addition to the workshop on democracy, both parliaments will also successfully cooperate within the framework of the Western Balkans scholarship program and the EU project “Inter Pares”, Sobotka was satisfied. The EU project strengthens the oversight mechanisms and capacities of parliaments. The President of the National Council explained that the scholarship program for the Western Balkans allowed parliamentary officials from all six countries of the Western Balkans, including Montenegro, to exchange views with the Austrian Parliament.

The Western Balkans travel program items

The President of the National Council, Wolfgang Sobotka, is staying until Wednesday, May 10, for official visits to the countries of the Western Balkans. After yesterday’s visit to the Republic of Kosovo and today’s agenda in Montenegro, the President of the National Council travels tonight to Serbia. There, on the last day of the official visit, he will meet with the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, the President of the National Assembly of Serbia, Vladimir Orlić, and the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dačić. (close) pst

NOTE: Photos from this visit can be found on the Parliament website.