Accident at work 15 year old injured in pizzeria –

Accident at work: 15-year-old injured in pizzeria –

A teenager had to be hospitalized on Tuesday evening after his hand was caught in a dough machine at Stratos Pizzeria in the L’Ancienne-Lorette sector.

The incident happened around 6.45pm on Tuesday evening at a shop on rue Notre-Dame. The young clerk’s hand got stuck in the machine used to flatten the pizza dough balls.

Accident at work: 15-year-old injured in pizzeria

Photo QMI Agency, Guy Martel

The Quebec City Fire Protection Service (SPCIQ) was on hand to put the teenager out of his predicament. Firefighters had to use hand tools to detach his member from the machine.

“When we arrived he was conscious and breathing. He was transported to the hospital center to treat minor injuries,” said Bill Noonan, spokesman for SPCIQ.

According to our information, the young man may have broken his hand, but did not lose any limbs.

Accident at work: 15-year-old injured in pizzeria

Photo QMI Agency, Guy Martel

Since it was an accident at work, inspectors from the Commission for Standards, Equity, Health and Safety at Work (CNESST) went to the scene to find out what might have happened. Adjust and assess the situation.

“Corrections have been requested by the employer to ensure the health and safety of workers using the machine. Use is prohibited pending corrective action,” said David Blouin, spokesman for CNESST.

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