China Has Secret Plan to Boost Military and Challenge United

China Has Secret Plan to Boost Military and Challenge United States

Does China have a secret plan to challenge the US? L’chinese army It is getting stronger, so much so that in 2020 the Navy has overtaken the largest and most powerful in the world, the American Navy. Today, the Chinese Navy is the lynchpin of dragon power, and many wonder if that is so Military growth is designed to challenge the United States and its dominance as the first world power.

In recent months, all newspapers have reported on the escalation of tensions between China and the United States over Taiwan. Some industry experts have noticed signs pointing to the future Attack on the island by CinTo. For example, Hal Brands and Michael Beckley, two American political scientists, write that “Beijing is a revisionist power that wants to reorder the world, but the time for that is already running out.” slower than expected economic growth.

What is China’s investment in the military sector?

The Economist writes about it China defense budget, but in this case it is more correct to speak of investments in the military sphere. In fact, the military army is growing not only with the aim of defending itself, but also with the aim of unifying “Greater China”, including Taiwan. Since the late 1990s, China has one military modernization program and investments in new technologies. Officially, the budget for this purpose in 2023 is approx $224 billionsecond only to American investments (about four times higher).

However, investment could increase as GDP increases. In fact, it seems that in the first quarter of 2023, the GDP of China scored a goal +4.5% increase, above analysts’ expectations. Despite this data, Chinese military spending is lower than that of the United States. In any case, everything depends on how these funds are used and it seems that a large part is dedicated to this development of new weapons.

Chinese Navy has overtaken US power: the data

Since 2020 the Chinese Navy surpassed the power of the United States. According to American commentators, China’s engagement on the naval issue reflects the country’s needs after conquering Taiwan and defending seas shared with US bases. But what are the numbers?

It seems that over the next decade, China will phase out the last of its older ships and add new and more modern ships, although this is currently estimated 340 battleships between aircraft carriers, submarines, frigates and destroyers. The Pentagon estimates that the number could rise to 400 in 2025 and again to 440 in 2030. US NavyIn comparison, it has 296 ships and within the next decade that number could drop to 290. The different goals of the political forces determine the increase or decrease of these ships. Furthermore, according to The Economist, China can focus on its military buildup, particularly with a focus on Taiwan, while America must maintain its presence in several global hotspots where it has historically expanded its sphere of influence.

However, the comparison between the Chinese and US navies is not just based on numbers, but actually on the basis American ships are favored by power. A gap that China, in any case, is quickly closing. In fact, China has one of them shipbuilding industry the most important ship in the world, accounting for 44% of the world’s merchant ships produced in 2021 alone.

Target Taiwan: The risk of haste for China

However, Chinese President Xi Jinping should not wait for the end of the modernization of the army and military technology attack on Taiwan. The longer China waits, the more likely Taiwan is preparing for better resistance. In fact, many are debating China’s signs of impatience and the most likely scenarios are that an attack on the island could occur between 2025 and 2027. However, pundits and the military have analyzed China’s push to modernize the army and this could be completed by 2035, a time gap which, if narrowed, could jeopardize the success of the Chinese plan of conquest.

The simulation games, in which China faces Taiwan and the United States, provide two contrasting results: on the one hand, the victory of China despite many casualties on both sides (a real Pyrrhic victory) and the defeat of China on the other side. No wonder, then, that the main goal is not to start a war, but to start it Convince Taiwan and the United States of a peaceful solution. On the other hand, global peace can be traded for Taiwan freedom.