Autopsies show organs removed from cult victims in Kenya

Autopsies show organs removed from cult victims in Kenya

Autopsies on the bodies of victims of a cult in Kenya have revealed that organs have been removed from some of them. The data are included in the court document released by AFP on Tuesday (9).

A total of 112 bodies were autopsied, including adults and children. Most of the victims died of starvation after International Church of the Good News leader Paul Nthenge Mackenzie recommended fasting.

“Autopsy reports have revealed that some of the victims’ bodies exhumed so far were missing organs,” says the document, which also mentions “wellcoordinated organ trafficking involving multiple actors.”

The victims adhered to intermittent fasting under the guidance of Paul, who claimed that this would lead believers to “know Jesus.”

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Portal do Holanda was founded on November 14, 2005. First with a column that bore the name of its founder, the journalist Raimundo de Holanda. Then he moved to Blog do Holanda and finally to Portal do Holanda. It was one of the first websites in the state of Amazonas. It is audited by IVC and ComScore.