Attack on a synagogue in Djerba The French anti terrorist public

Attack on a synagogue in Djerba: The French anti-terrorist public prosecutor’s office has launched an investigation

The National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office (Pnat) has opened an investigation in Paris into the death of a 41-year-old French-Tunisian prosecutor in an attack on Tuesday night in front of the Ghriba Synagogue in Djerba, which killed four others. according to a press release on Thursday. .

The Pnat, which has jurisdiction due to the French nationality of one of the victims, launched “an investigation into the leader of the murder in connection with a terrorist enterprise” on Wednesday. The investigations were entrusted to the Directorate General for Internal Security (DGSI), he specifies.

The attack, which took place as hundreds of believers completed the annual Jewish pilgrimage to the Ghriba synagogue, the oldest in Africa, left five dead: three gendarmes and two believers, one Israeli-Tunisian and one French-Tunisian, were killed outside killed synagogue by the gunfire of the attacker.

“The attack on the Ghriba Synagogue shocks us. We think with pain of the victims, of the Tunisian people, of our friends. “We stand with the family of our murdered compatriot,” President Emmanuel Macron replied in a message published on Twitter.

France’s Central Consistory on Wednesday condemned the attack as “as cowardly as it was abominable”.

On the Tunisian side, “a criminal investigation has been launched,” Fethi Bakkouche, spokesman for the court in Medenine (southeast), on which the island of Djerba depends, told AFP.