Italy what we know about the massive explosion in central

Italy: what we know about the massive explosion in central Milan

A large explosion occurred in Milan, Italy late Thursday morning. Several cars caught fire after a truck carrying oxygen cylinders exploded. Here’s what we know.

Panic winds prevail this Thursday around 11:30 a.m. in central Milan, Italy. A truck loaded with oxygen tanks exploded on a residential street, causing huge flames and a plume of black smoke.

“The hypothesis of an attack can be ruled out,” said the mayor of the Lombard metropolis, Beppe Sala.

According to Corriere della Sera, the van that exploded was believed to be delivering about 30 bottles of oxygen, a highly flammable gas, to a nearby medical institute, which was evacuated after the blast. The fire affected several cars parked on the street. A building and a pharmacy were also badly damaged.

Italian media reported that the driver was able to leave the van in time. “At the moment I’ve been informed of an injured person (…) I think it’s the driver,” added the mayor, who announced he was going there.

Police, riflemen and firefighters immediately mobilized personnel. The fire was contained around 1 p.m.