Mother’s Day 2023: when will it be celebrated this year? e is the date and the meaning

Mother’s Day 2023: when will it be celebrated this year? Find out the date and its meaning. There Mother’s Day It is an opportunity to express gratitude, affection and appreciation to all mothers and mother figures. This year marks the anniversary May 14thCombined with second Sunday of the month. Celebrations also include gifts, flowers, birthday cards, and special activities to share quality time with moms. In modern times, Mother’s Day has become a widespread and popular celebration around the world. The origin of this holiday is linked to women’s struggle for peace and equality. Its celebration has taken different forms over time, although today it is mainly known as an opportunity to pay homage to the mothers and mother figures in our lives. Many countries, including Italy, the United States, Australia, Canada, and others, celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May. Some other countries, such as the United Kingdom and Ireland, celebrate “Mother’s Day” during the Fourth Lent, while in some places, such as Spain and Portugal, it is celebrated on the first day of May. In addition to gifts and greetings, Mother’s Day is an opportunity to reflect on the fundamental role of mothers in society and in the life of individuals. It’s also a time to acknowledge and support mothers who face daily challenges, such as: B. the absence of a partner, raising children under difficult economic conditions or the compatibility of work and family.

The historical origins of Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day has ancient roots, dating back to the celebrations of female deities in ancient times, such as Isis in ancient Egypt and Cybele in Roman culture. Over the centuries, traditions have evolved and the modern holiday emerged from the struggle for peace and women’s equality. Julia Ward Howe She was the first to propose a day for mothers with her call for peace in 1870, while Anna Jarvis initiated the modern holiday of Mother’s Day in the United States in 1908.

Mother’s Day in Italy: evolution and traditions

In Italy, the celebration of Mother’s Day has developed in different historical moments. Originally, National Mother and Child Day was celebrated on December 24, 1933 during the fascist regime. However, Mother’s Day as we know it today was introduced in the 1950s for commercial and religious reasons. In 1958, the initiative sparked a debate in the Senate that continued into the following year. Since then, Mother’s Day was first celebrated on May 8th and later, as is still the case today, confirmed on the second Sunday in May.

The celebration of Mother’s Day around the world

Mother’s Day is celebrated at different times of the year depending on the country. While most countries celebrate it on the second Sunday in May, in the UK and Ireland ‘Mother’s Sunday’ is celebrated during Lent, while in Spain and Portugal the celebration takes place on the first day of May.

The meaning and value of Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is an opportunity to recognize the crucial role of mothers in our lives and in society. In addition to gifts, flowers and birthday cards, it is important to reflect on the challenges mothers face every day and to support them in their fight for equality and social justice. Mothers play a critical role in the emotional, educational, and social development of their children and contribute significantly to the well-being of families and communities.