Im a color expert these are the shades you

I’m a color expert – these are the shades you should wear to look trustworthy

An expert in color psychology found which shades to wear to boost your confidence, appear more trustworthy, and help you feel more relaxed.

Michelle Lewis, an Idaho-based color analyst and author, recently revealed that wearing certain shades can have a huge impact on your mood — and also how those around you perceive you.

In a recent chat with Insider, the self-proclaimed “queen of color” suggested that people looking for extra energy should wear red.

A color psychology expert named Michelle Lewis found what shades to wear to boost your confidence, appear more trustworthy, and help you feel more relaxed

A color psychology expert named Michelle Lewis found what shades to wear to boost your confidence, appear more trustworthy, and help you feel more relaxed

She added that wearing something blue can help calm you down when you’re feeling stressed, while wearing orange can bring a sense of “balance” when things in your life are getting out of hand.

According to Michelle, those who want to brighten their mood should opt for yellow clothing, while someone who is preparing to try something new should choose a purple outfit.

From the tint that’s been shown to get your heart rate up, to the tone that’s known to make you appear more approachable, here’s how wearing different colors affects the way you think and interact.

The color red increases blood pressure and heart rate, so wearing this color can give you a boost of energy

The color red is often associated with love and passion, but can also symbolize danger - as it's used in stop signs, sirens, fire engines and traffic lights (stock image) The color red is often associated with love and passion, but can also symbolize danger - as it's used in stop signs, sirens, fire engines and traffic lights (stock image)

The color red is often associated with love and passion, but can also symbolize danger – as it is used in stop signs, sirens, fire engines and traffic lights (stock images)

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Scientists have found that the color can actually “raise blood pressure” and “increase heart rate” – making it the perfect color when you need an energy boost (stock image)

Michelle explained that red is the color of

Michelle explained that red is the color of “action and physicality.” So, wearing this color can help you energize those days when you’re feeling extra tired. Olivia Wilde is seen in red in 2019

The color red is often associated with love and passion, but it can also symbolize danger – as it is used in stop signs, sirens, fire engines and traffic lights.

Scientists have discovered that the bright and vibrant color can actually “raise blood pressure” and “increase heart rate” – making it the perfect shade when you need an energy boost.

Michelle explained that red is the color of “action and physicality.” So, wearing this color can help you energize those days when you’re feeling extra tired.

“It’s the body’s psychological base color, so it can help us wake up, keep our attention and even get our heart rate up,” she explained. “I like to wear this color when I’m really tired.”

Donning an orange outfit can help you feel more “balanced” as the color is associated with familiarity and warmth

When things get out of hand in your life, Michelle recommends wearing something orange.  Florence Pugh wears orange in February

When things get out of hand in your life, Michelle recommends wearing something orange. Florence Pugh wears orange in February

She explained that the warm color is often associated with familiarity, so it can help

She explained that the warm color is often associated with familiarity, so it can help “keep the body calm and balanced.” Shawn Mendes is seen in Orange in June 2022

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“Since our bodies absorb orange light at sunrise, it helps wake everything up in a calm way,” she said. “On high-stress days, I like to use orange” (archive image)

When things get out of hand in your life, Michelle recommends wearing something orange.

She explained that the warm color is often associated with familiarity, so it can help “keep the body calm and balanced.”

“Since our bodies absorb orange light at sunrise, it helps wake everything up in a calm way,” she said. “On high-stress days, I like to use orange.”

An artist and writer named Sonia previously gushed about the positive effects of the color orange, explaining on her blog that the “cozy yet vibrant” hue also reminds us of fall, pumpkins, and Thanksgiving — all things that “feel warm.” convey. ‘

Yellow is reminiscent of the sun – making it the perfect shade if you’re looking to lighten your mood

When you think of the color yellow, the first thing that probably comes to mind is the sun - which is why the hue is perfect if you're looking to lighten your mood (stock image)

When you think of the color yellow, the first thing that probably comes to mind is the sun – which is why the hue is perfect if you’re looking to lighten your mood (stock image)

Research has shown that the color can actually release serotonin in your brain and

Research has shown that the color can actually release serotonin in your brain and “boost your focus.” Harry Styles wears yellow in 2020

Michelle described it as the shade we're most excited about and recommended wearing it if you're looking for something extra fun to wear.  Kristen Bell is seen in color in November

Michelle described it as the shade we’re most excited about and recommended wearing it if you’re looking for something extra fun to wear. Kristen Bell is seen in color in November

When you think of the color yellow, the first thing that probably comes to mind is the sun – which makes the hue perfect if you’re looking to lighten your mood.

Research has shown that the color can actually release serotonin in your brain and “boost your focus.”

Michelle described it as the shade we’re most excited about and recommended wearing it if you’re looking for something extra fun to wear.

“Yellow is the basic psychological color of the nervous system,” she added. “It can help us feel joy and hope, or even help us focus more on our future.”

Thanks to the color’s association with trees, grass and leaves, green clothing can promote growth and calmness

Michelle said wearing the cool color green can help

Michelle said wearing the cool color green can help “calm you down” when you’re feeling “stressed” due to its association with trees, grass and leaves (stock image)

She added that the earthy tone symbolizes

She added that the earthy tone symbolizes “growth” and “balance.” Jennifer Lopez stars in Green in 2000

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“Too stressed? It will calm you down. down? “It will lift you up,” she said. “It’s a calming color that helps us grow and I love wearing it.” Kate Middleton is wearing green in 2020

Thanks to its association with trees, grass, and leaves, wearing the cool color green can help “calm down” when you’re feeling “stressed,” Michelle says.

She added that the earthy tone symbolizes “growth” and “balance.”

“Too stressed? It will calm you down. down? “It will lift you up,” she said. “It’s a calming color that helps us grow and I love wearing it.”

A marketing executive named Christi Wharton, who specializes in the effects of color on the brain, previously spoke about the many positive effects green can have on us.

“Green evokes a sense of fullness and is associated with refreshment and peace, tranquility and security,” she wrote.

“Green helps people feel rested and safe.” People are invited to wait in the “green room” before relaxing in front of the camera.

“Many doctors even use green in their offices to calm patients down.” “Green promotes a balance in your brain that leads to determination.”

Blue is the perfect color when meeting new people because it makes you appear more trustworthy

According to scientists, the color blue has the opposite effect of red — it can slow your heart rate and blood pressure.  Ed Sheeran wears blue in February 2022

According to scientists, the color blue has the opposite effect of red — it can slow your heart rate and blood pressure. Ed Sheeran wears blue in February 2022

That means wearing something blue has a

That means wearing something blue has a “calming effect” on yourself and those around you, Michelle told Insider. Kendall Jenner is pictured in a blue dress last month

It can also remind people of the sea and vacation, which

It can also remind people of the sea and vacation, which “can lead to a freer mind and promote stillness and relaxation” (stock image)

According to scientists, the color blue has the opposite effect of red — it can slow your heart rate and blood pressure.

That means wearing something blue has a “calming effect” on yourself and those around you, Michelle told Insider.

It can also remind people of the sea and vacation, which “can lead to a freer mind and promote stillness and relaxation.”

“It’s an incredible color that can also help people feel more confident in you. So it’s perfect to wear to work, when you meet a new client, or to calm down a stressful situation,” she added.

Dressing in purple can make you appear more powerful – because hundreds of years ago only the richest could afford to wear this color

Michelle said wearing purple can also help you connect with new people and

Michelle said wearing purple can also help you connect with new people and “discover your spiritual side.” Selena Gomez is seen in purple in November

Marketing firm Miss Details said the color also reminds people of

Marketing firm Miss Details said the color also reminds people of “royalty, wealth, prosperity and sophistication.” Mindy Kaling is seen in color in 2013

Michelle said purple clothing can also help you socialize with new people.

She explained that because violet is “the last color in the visible light spectrum,” it is associated with “spirituality and relationships.”

“I love wearing purple when I’m meeting new people as it helps connect quickly,” she explained. “You can also wear it to tap into your spiritual side more.”

Marketing firm Miss Details said the color also reminded people of “royalty, wealth, prosperity and sophistication” because “hundreds of years ago the cost of purple paint was high,” meaning that “only the very wealthy would wear purple.” clothes could afford”. .’

“Purple combines the stability of blue and the energy of red,” it continues. “According to surveys, almost 75 percent of preadolescent children prefer purple to all other colors.”

Wearing magenta can give you more confidence and help you feel bolder as it symbolizes “revolution” and “action”.

Michelle pointed out that the color magenta was named after a battle during the Second Italian War of Independence.  Rihanna is seen in color in 2019

Michelle pointed out that the color magenta was named after a battle during the Second Italian War of Independence. Rihanna is seen in color in 2019

Based on the backstory, she said the color symbolizes

Based on the backstory, she said the color symbolizes “revolution” and that wearing this color “can help inspire action in you.” Priyanka Chopra Jonas is pictured in magenta in March

Michelle pointed out that the color magenta was named after a battle during the Second Italian War of Independence in which the French and Italians defeated Austria in an Italian town called Magenta.

Based on the backstory, she said the color symbolizes “revolution” and that wearing this color “can help inspire action in you.”

She recommends dressing in magenta when you’re looking to try something new, as it can help you feel ‘bolder’ and boost your confidence.

“Whether it’s introducing a new concept at work or going into town, I like to use magenta to make people feel a little bit braver and more revolutionary,” she explained.

Wearing pink can give the impression that you are “soft” and “innocent”.

The color pink often reminds people of

The color pink often reminds people of “coziness and softness,” Michelle told Insider. Zendaya wears a pink dress in February pointed out that it is sometimes used even in prisons to relax inmates.  It is also used by sports teams in the opposing team's lockers.  Chrissy Teigen was spotted earlier this week pointed out that it is sometimes used even in prisons to relax inmates. It is also used by sports teams in the opposing team’s lockers. Chrissy Teigen was spotted earlier this week

In addition, the color is also associated with

In addition, the color is also associated with “femininity, healing, innocence, peace, sweetness and romance” (stock image)

The color pink often reminds people of “coziness and softness,” Michelle told Insider. pointed out that it is sometimes used even in prisons to relax inmates.

“Sports teams sometimes paint the opposing team’s locker room pink to keep players passive and less energetic,” the publication continued.

In addition, the color is also associated with “femininity, healing, innocence, peace, sweetness and romance”.