Mom takes slaps from young daughter and video sparks discussion

Mom takes slaps from young daughter and video sparks discussion about parenting: ‘Beating causes trauma’

Summary of the news

  • Janaína Braga received a lot of criticism after posting a video on TikTok.
  • In the pictures, the influencer is hit in the face by her twoyearold daughter.
  • The content creator defends an education without violence with her daughter.
  • The video sparked a web discussion about boundaries for children.

Janaína Braga’s video sparked a huge debate on the internet: Montage R7/Reproduction TikTok/Instagram

One Mother caused controversy on the release of a video of him being slapped in the face by his own daughter. “If you’re for a respectful upbringing and your daughter behaves like that,” the video’s caption reads in a humorous tone.

Influencer Janaína Braga has more than 493,000 followers on TikTok alone, where she produces content related to motherhood.

The viral video has already been viewed more than 9.5 million times on the platform. On Twitter, some sites shared the images, which have also been reproduced more than 11 million times to date.

Janaína has faced multiple criticisms for allegedly failing to respond to her twoyearold daughter Cristal’s aggression. In an interview with R7the influencer said she was afraid of the effects.

“It was very difficult to deal with so much ‘hate’. With other moms judging me and making comments so mean,” she said.

After all the bad reactions, Janaína even limited comments on the video, which even included messages inciting violence against the girl: “There was someone who said, ‘This kid should be hit with a hammer’.”

Janaína explained that the scenes shown in the video are an exception and that Cristal does not normally display such behavior. “I received numerous messages saying ‘I was recording instead of hosting’ and no one stopped to really listen to the reply. Cristal had never done this before, so I recorded it to show her dad what she looked like when he left, and just after me.” Turned off the camera and held her until she calmed down.

According to the content creator, Cristal’s height seems to have confused many people: “She is 2 years old, although she looks tall, she is very small, she still wears diapers. People act like she’s a 15yearold teenager.” It hits me and it’s horrible to see those comments.

Cristina Mendes Gigliotti Borsari, Psychology Department Coordinator at Sabará Children’s Hospital, explained in a little more detail what would be the “respectful parenting” mentioned in the video, also called “positive parenting”: “If we think about this positive parenting we talk about fathers and mothers, who often value dialogue and discussions and set clear rules. Rules are very important for setting boundaries and promoting discipline at home and in the child’s everyday life. Dialogue is important because it allows the child to express their feelings, their feelings and mutual respect.

The doctor said that the method also aims to show the child not to behave in a way that harms others: “Mutual respect is one of the foundations of this parenting model and in the video we see that the child slaps the face .” , [demonstrando] a little out of control. It is the moment when the father has to be a little more energetic with the child in the sense that he sets limits for him. Under no circumstances do we speak of yelling or hitting the child, of punitive behavior.”

Janaína revealed that she is against any form of corporal punishment for her daughter: “Beating a child to teach them only creates trauma. The child will be angry, will be afraid, will try to do the ‘wrong thing’ in secret. Hitting will never teach.” , it will only drive your child away from you. The influencer even recorded a new video to show that Cristal is indeed a very cute kid and to dispel some of the doubts that the first publication raised.

Cristina argued that it was possible to be firm with the child without it posing a physical or psychological threat: “Suddenly you hold hands, look into their eyes, ask them to breathe, talk to them, ask them how they feel .” So she can express that feeling. This is what positive psychology and positive education do. There are techniques we can use on our children when they are having tantrums,” the doctor said.

The specialist taught one of these techniques to try to calm children down in times of stress: “We often use it with children in early childhood, from 0 to 5 years old, you blow the flower. You’re holding a flower.” and say “Blow” to the child. It gives the kid control of the breathing, that serotonin, that adrenaline that gets amplified in the neurological system and the kid gets more rest.”

Presence in social networks

Little Cristal enchants Janaína’s followers on Social Media Reproduction/Instagram

said pediatrician Mariele Rios, professor of pediatrics at Itaúna University, in an interview R7 that many people still have oldfashioned ideas about what it means to raise a child: “Unfortunately, many families still think that education must be provided by a rigid hierarchy in which father and mother rule at any cost, including violence . Violence, hatred, so that a child can obey.

“This girl needs a good slipper to study with,” read one of the comments on Twitter. “You don’t have to hit the kid, but a little fear, a light tap, that helps with teaching, yes,” agreed another netizen.

Psychologist Cristina Borsari reiterated that punishing children does not have good developmental outcomes, citing alternatives that would work better: “The behavior of punishment, caning, spanking should not exist. This has already been proven by studies. You have to.” Clear rules to follow, and if you don’t, you lose some privileges. Can the child sleep a little longer at the weekend, eat ice cream, or do something that gives them a lot of joy? “Have you” “I’m not honoring the deal so you can’t eat ice cream this weekend.” Always show cause and effect.”

For doctor Mariele Rios, a certain level of aggression in children, especially up to 4 years old, is normal because they do not yet know how to properly express their feelings. That’s why very clear communication is important: “The role of the responsible adult is to teach the child that they can have this feeling.” [raiva, frustração, tristeza], but he must not disregard others, he cannot overstep his limits, so the role of the adult in this case is first of all to prevent the child from being hurt. So yes, you can hold the kid, hold the kid’s hand, and tell your “look, I understand you’re frustrated, I understand you’re angry, but hitting me isn’t an option.” In this house lays no one hands on anyone.

The amount of comments Janaína received made the influencer think about her work: “I confess that I’ve thought about quitting. But after speaking to a lot of people, I’ve seen that a lot of people have already been through this and it’s inevitable.”

She even explained it R7 The reason for deciding to share the video, which was only made to show Cristal’s dad: “I’ve been making videos for the internet since I was 14, but when I got pregnant and the TikTok craze hit, mine started to weaken videos.” I attract a wide audience. Since then, I’ve approached motherhood with a lot of humor, which was actually my intention when I posted the video to make a TikTok “trend”.

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For the psychologist Cristina, empathy is also fundamental to being present on the Internet: “We must always put ourselves in the other person’s shoes and respect the values ​​​​that mothers and fathers consider essential for the upbringing and education of a child”. Today you can see one Society This is very judgmental, very immediate, where there is no respect for what we have as a premise.”

“If you see something that is against the law, that is affecting a child’s development, something that is threatening a child’s physical integrity, of course we need to step in and speak up. The Internet has become a place where I put down my speech. “A way that reaches the other without putting me in the other person’s position,” the specialist reflects.

Mariele Rios agreed with the psychologist, reminding that there is indeed a law that protects children from corporal punishment: “There is the spanking law, which people don’t take seriously, but it’s very serious. Physical punishment, emotional punishment, including punishment, they “have consequences in the life of the child,” she argued, citing Law No. 13,010, known as the MeninoBernardo Law.

The doctor gives another example to show that there is no point in hitting a child: “So if you have an elderly person and they wake up at dawn and cry, do you hit the elderly person? If she poops in the wrong place, are you going to hit him? Of course not, you know he’s losing that ability, that control. And the child is the same, it is not an adult. So we have to understand it and help without penalty and be caring.” .

Every family works in its own way.

Cristal and Janaína also received many messages of support for Montage R7/Playback on Instagram

According to doctor Cristina Borsari, the upbringing and education of a child are complex issues and therefore cause a great deal of excitement on the Internet: “As a psychologist, as an educator and as a mother, I think very much that every family has an opinion” and the method they use for the upbringing of their child is ideal and this will be based on a number of factors, it will be based on family history, how those parents were raised, how they had access and guidance from their own parents, what are the family values”.

The expert adds that there is no secret recipe for raising children: “We have no rules, no cake recipe. Every family is unique, every family has its values. We have scientific studies, professional guidance and what we can do.” See what works best in my everyday life at home. Punishment, beatings we blame today. We must make this child the protagonist of his behavior. Always looking for dialogue, affection, affection, quality time with your son.”

After all the uproar, Janaína reflected on motherhood, again saying that she sets boundaries for her daughter without violence: “It’s anything but a fairy tale.” [a maternidade]. The one in the video was a totally isolated fact, she has boundaries and is a super loving kid. Everyone knows what is best for their child and no mother should judge another.

Doctor Mariele Rios concluded by stating that the process of raising a child is usually an iterative one: “You have to repeat it a thousand times for this child, you have to use the game, you have to be patient, you have to be a role model. It takes time, it’s a long way, but it’s a safer goal than fear.”

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Play/Instagram littlehouseinthehighdesert

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Play/Instagram littlehouseinthehighdesert

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Assembly R7/playback/instagram littlehouseinthehighdesert

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Play/Instagram littlehouseinthehighdesert

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Play/Instagram littlehouseinthehighdesert

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Assembly R7/playback/instagram littlehouseinthehighdesert

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Assembly R7/playback/instagram littlehouseinthehighdesert

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Assembly R7/playback/instagram littlehouseinthehighdesert

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Assembly R7/playback/instagram littlehouseinthehighdesert

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Play/Instagram littlehouseinthehighdesert

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Assembly R7/playback/instagram littlehouseinthehighdesert

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Play/Instagram littlehouseinthehighdesert