IN PICTURES More than 150 Shiba and Akita dogs

IN PICTURES | More than 150 Shiba and Akita dogs gathered at Laurier Park – TVA Nouvelles

A Shiba and Akita dog meeting attracted nearly 175 dogs to Montreal’s Laurier Park on Saturday afternoon.

Held as part of Japan Week, this event provided an opportunity for Masters to network in the spirit of community.

“We wanted to put a smile on the world’s face,” says Tatiana Tomaszewski, executive director of the organization Pawsome Club, which co-organized the event. It went very well. We didn’t have an attack, we didn’t have a problem and everyone was happy to leave the dog park.

“Having so many identical dogs in the same place at the same time really puts stars in the public eye,” she adds.

The event took place for the fourth time, but for the first time it took place on its own website.

“We were pleasantly surprised at how many people came specifically for the event and aren’t just in the area because another festival is taking place at the same time,” she says.

The co-organizer estimates that a total of more than 400 people attended at times during the two-hour gathering.

A dog helper was also on site to help ensure the event ran smoothly.