9 Secrets Your Dog Knows You Cant Even Imagine.webp

9 Secrets Your Dog Knows You Can’t Even Imagine!

Reading time: 3 minutes

It is said that man’s best friend is his dog, a companion for all hours. Although communication is not equal, your pet may know more than you think.

They know all your feelings and know if you are angry, happy or even sad. But it goes beyond that.

Check out some more secrets you didn’t even think your pup knew.

You know whether you are being generous or not

Researchers from the University of Milan in Italy conducted a study using dogs, in which they observed people sharing food with a beggar and others telling the homeless man to go.

When the dogs were later released, everyone involved waved at them in unison. However, the puppies mostly went to the generous people.

This means they know more than you can imagine and they pay attention to your actions and recognize if you are being generous or not.

READ MORE: 4 dog breeds to avoid if you’ve never owned one

Whether you like a person or not

When you don’t like a person, dogs notice changes in your breathing, in addition to a slight tightening of your body or even the smell of pheromones that your body releases.

Therefore, they recognize when you don’t like someone or have negative feelings towards them. And they also tend not to like these people.

Find out if you may have cancer

Dogs are like sponges and absorb many things. Some of them are trained to recognize different types of cancer by smelling certain chemicals released by cancer cells.

In some studies, dogs detected breast cancer with an 88% accuracy and lung cancer with up to 99% accuracy.

Know when you’re coming home

Dogs know your daily routine and have a rough idea of ​​when to expect you to come home each day. Even if you arrive at a different time, they recognize your smell and the sounds you make and are always attentive.

Understand when you fight

Even if you haven’t argued in front of your dog, he may recognize your sadder tone of voice, your rigid demeanor, or even some other behaviors. Some of them can be more depressed when you are sad.

Know when you need protection

When your dog changes a habit, you can be sure something is different. For example, if he switches from his usual sleeping spot to sleeping in your bed, or stays closer than usual, that’s a sign of protection.

When you’re scared, your body releases adrenaline, and dogs can smell adrenaline.

They are also more alert when someone in the household is absent for a long period of time.

ALSO READ: Quiet Please! Meet 5 Dog Breeds That Barely Bark

Know your intentions

Dogs can hear signals from your body language and know everything you have in mind. You can tell your true intent by the blink of an eye, or even by the way you hold the leash.

if you are not feeling well

Dogs have a keen sense of smell. They can tell when something is wrong with you, from a diabetes accident to an epileptic seizure. At a Hawaii hospital, they were able to identify UTIs in patients who could not report symptoms.

when you’re upset

After all, they are very good at reading your body language and emotional state. A study found that dogs can recognize your facial expression and how you feel when you’re sad, even in photos that only show half of your face.

Also, they tend to approach someone who is crying instead of someone who is singing or talking. They are very sensitive pets.

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