Singer Jose Ricos mansion is mortgaged and auctioned off to

Singer José Rico’s mansion is mortgaged and auctioned off to pay off debts

The value of the work claims is already approximately R$ 7 million

  • David Valadares
    David Valadares

    José Rico, partner of Milionário, died in 2015 at the age of 68

José Rico, partner of Milionário, died in 2015 at the age of 68

Photo: Disclosure

The mansion left by the singer Jose Ricoby country duo Milionário & José Rico who died in 2015 at the age of 68 has been mortgaged by the judiciary and is being auctioned off to pay off work debts.

Located in the Bairro do Jaguari in Limeira (SP), the property is popularly known as “José Rico’s Castle‘, has a total built area of ​​4.8 hectares, equivalent to 48,000 square meters, and is worth BRL 3.2 million.

José Rico's Castle

José Rico’s Castle

Photo: TV Globo

The lawsuit, which led to the confiscation of the luxury home, was filed by a musician who worked with the singer between 2009 and 2015. The employee claims that his employment contract has not been recorded in his portfolio over the years.

The musician also claims in the filing that he accumulated functions and received no paid weekly rest, 13th salary, vacation, overtime, night shift, unhealthy work allowance, and no contributions to the Service Time Compensation Fund (FGTS) have had ).


O Earth noted that the court of first instance allowed the registration of the contract in the employee’s portfolio and the payment of paid weekly rest, 13th salary, severance pay, fine for unfair dismissal, FGTS, overtime, night shift allowance and the Time difference between journals fixed pause and compensation for moral damage.

In the second degree there were a number of objections, both on the part of the author and on the part of the estate. In the case of the plaintiff’s application for agglomeration of functions, the court only recognized the change in the form of a monetary correction. The expert’s calculations of total debt add up to around R$ 7 million.

The first instance decision was made by Labor Judge Marcelo Luis de Souza Ferreira of the Regional Labor Court of the 15th Region (TRT15). The seizure of the property was made by Judge Paula Cristina Caetano da Silva of the Americana 2nd Labor Court.

O Earth I have tried to contact José Rico’s lawyer but have not yet received a reply. The story will be updated when the report receives comment from the singer’s defense.

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