Chiara Moretti died, she had been an actress (at the beginning alongside Benigni) and then militancy with the right Fiorentino

He loved Berlinguer. But also the other extreme. She is a native of Sienese, the rest are Florentines, so Chiara Moretti, a former actress from the benevolent beginnings Activist and neighborhood councilor of the National Alliance and then the Brothers of Italy. A communication from the Florentine party announced the news.

“Does the woman polish it up to compete with the man?”

Giuseppe Bertolucci and Roberto Benigni chose her, just 21 years old, as their interpreter Esther, one of the two feminists – the most unscrupulous, “provoking” and teasing the embarrassed protagonist – of the famous scene in the Mayakovsky People’s House in Berlinguer “I love you”. She smiles warmly as Sergio Forconi familiarizes her with the sound of “Pole, can a woman allow herself to be equal with a man?”.

life as an actress

She worked several times with Benigni: in the TV mini-series “Vita da Cioni” (1978), in “Chiedo asilo” by Marco Ferreri, where assistant director Cesare Bastelli (Vanity Fair) told that she had an affair with Benigni – we are in the time before Nicolatta Braschi – and that he had advised him to get in touch as well. Also in the late ’70s, we find her in the cast of Daniele Costantini’s “A Week Like Another” and Ruggero Miti’s “Maschio, fraun, Blume, Frucht”, navigating the decade with two classics such as “Sogni d’oro”. ” by Nanni Moretti and “Il conte Tacchia” by Sergio Corbucci, then “If everything goes well we’re ruined” by Sergio Martino and “Strana la vita”, still directed by Giuseppe Bertolucci.

life as a militant

There his career in front of the camera ends, and the other takes shape: politics, militarism in the social right. “Fratelli d’Italia Firenze expresses its condolences on the death of Chiara Moretti – read a note – former National Alliance councilor and PdL in District 5 from 2004 to 2014.”