How far can the Bildu theme be stretched in the

How far can the “Bildu theme” be stretched in the campaign?

In the leadership of the PP, they affirm that the anti-sanchismo, the epicenter of their electoral campaign until the arrival of Bildu, is what most unites the popular voters, Vox and Ciudadanos. And since Alberto Núñez Feijóo wants to fish in all these fishing grounds, the campaign motive was clear: repeal sanchismo. But ETA is still more uniting the rights, even 12 years after it stopped killing and five years after it ceased to exist. It unites so much that it even dissolves the distances between moderates and hardliners in the PP. Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the leader of the sector, which defines itself as moderate, raised the bar on Tuesday by saying Pedro Sánchez was “more generous to the executioners than to the victims.” The order was clear, so his team followed it to the letter , albeit with some even higher decibel versions.

The one who got the furthest was a member of the leadership, the steering committee that meets every Monday, Senator Pedro Rollán. The housing law, the first of democracy, was finally passed in the Senate, and Rollán said that the bases of this norm, which the PSOE and Unidas Podemos had agreed with ERC and Bildu, “will be built on the ashes of the Hipercor shopping center. “, with 21 dead, four of them children.

Another popular politician who has fallen into moderation, like Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla, the Andalusian President who always tries to avoid the harshest tones and with this strategy has managed to expand the space of the PP in this community until they By and large, the strategy of only talking about Bildu and ETA has become ingrained in the entire structure of the PP, like a campaign directive that ignores every other issue. Moreno, who suffered government attack over Doñana two weeks ago and was forced to put his plan to legalize irrigation around the park on hold, at least for now, has found a way to turn things around: ETA. They asked him about the rejection of the third vice-president, Teresa Ribera, on a municipal project with a golf course approved by the board near Doñana, a “crazy idea” for the minister. “I want the courage of some to attack and insult Andalusia to be used to criticize the fact that there are still 37 ETA collaborators on the Bildu electoral lists,” replied the Andalusian President.

Estimated time of arrival applies to everything in the campaign. But the question being asked this Wednesday in all campaign headquarters and in the corridors of Congress and Senate, where the final sessions were held before the final push, free of plenary sessions to focus on the rallies, is: until when can last ? The controversy surrounding Bildu has already spanned several days of the election campaign. The Socialists insist it’s a media problem, people aren’t involved and their campaign is quite pervasive with ads and sensitive issues – this Wednesday they returned to their homes with the approval of the law and capitalized on the fact that it was Sánchez was in the Balearic Islands, a place where the problem is particularly dramatic and the politics of the PSOE government is also very intense – but the population believes that Bildu blew up the presidential election campaign and not himself more of it will recover.

several factors

Sánchez officially declared the controversy over in Congress this Wednesday. Of course, the president doesn’t play alone, nobody does that in politics, and everything will depend on several factors. Campaigns have a life of their own. But he’s been looking for a special, well-thought-out staging to achieve that conclusion, at least from the PSOE’s point of view: a crossover with Mertxe Aizpurua, Bildu’s spokeswoman in Congress. Everything was very measured. He told him that what they had done by listing terrorists was “not decent” and that from the world of former ETA members “a much more resounding and powerful message of redemption, forgiveness, reconciliation and… Homage to the Victims”. It is expected.

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But he also told him something else, which makes it very clear that the government recognizes the rectification of Bildu as good and will continue its negotiations on social issues. The PSOE does not support Bildu to govern in any institution, or vice versa – in fact the PSN allowed the UPN to take over the Pamplona City Council precisely because they did not want to support Bildu in any government – and there are huge substantive discrepancies in relation to very Tough issues like how to deal with poster terrorism, but consistent with them, budgets based on societal bargaining and legislation, like housing. Aizpurua, spearheading Bildu’s strategy that seeks to focus its new agenda on social issues to expand its policy space, asked about the social shield that needs to be renewed in June. And Sánchez told him that of course there will be a new decree with social protection measures in June, depending on the situation, and he concluded: “We hope for your support.” That means things will remain more or less the same.

The government believes that Bildu has put things right, recognizing the utter nonsense of trying to convey to society that it is a politically engaged group that focuses on social issues and that the PNV is the priority in the wants to dispute the Basque Country They once had bloodthirsty terrorists on their list. The Socialists emphasize that he did not give in to please the executive in the election campaign, but in his own interest. In fact, the PNV has already cornered Bildu with this problem. Discussions between the PSOE and Bildu are frequent and fluid, not only in Congress on day-to-day matters. And in those days there were also contacts to convey to them the error that this turn of events brought – Sánchez said so publicly on Friday – and to know if they planned to correct it. But Bildu works very complex, with many filters and many decision tables. The Socialists concluded that there might be a rectification, but without certainty. Until Tuesday finally arrived and, at least in the PSOE’s interpretation, smashed it with a very self-critical statement.

Now it remains to be seen how much the PP will succeed in dragging out the controversy. Several popular leaders polled believe it will be very difficult for Sánchez to return to the axis he had in mind, the announcements and debates about his management. The President has decided not to make any announcement this Wednesday for the time being as the Bildu issue is still topical. But things could change as of tomorrow. In the PSOE they are convinced that the controversy will not become so intense over the weekend, which is crucial because the latest polls and especially the large central rallies will arrive, with the epicenter in the Valencian Community, the crown jewel: Sánchez will be… Go Saturday and Feijóo on Sunday, hoping to fill the bullring. When the Bildu theme comes alive, it will be very difficult to change the campaign. If not, the game will start over and the ending, as always, will be very uncertain.

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