Rafael Nadal announced this Thursday that he will not take part in the next Roland Garros. He does so at a press conference, where he also hinted that he has to quit because “it’s impossible for him to compete now.” The Spaniard has also noted that he “will not be playing for the coming months”. The tennis player, who turns 37 on June 3 and became a father in October, has quoted media at the premises of his academy in Manacor. The Spaniard suffered an iliopsoas injury on January 18 while playing in the second round of the Australian Open, losing in three sets to American Mackenzie McDonald; He’s been trying to get back into the competition ever since, but so far hasn’t received adequate guarantees.
In principle, the intended length of vacation was between six and eight weeks, but the absence has extended to up to four months. “The injury I suffered in Australia hasn’t developed the way I would have liked. I will not be able to be in Paris after many years without missing the appointment. You can imagine how difficult it is to make this decision. “It’s not a decision I make, it’s made by my body,” Nadal said.
The tennis player hasn’t set a date for his return but hopes to compete next year, the last of his career.
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