TV is listening | Friday, May 19, 2023. The Patriarch closes with 16% (2.68 million) and wins The Best Years (19.9% ​​ 3.1

Last night, Friday 19 May 2023, on Rai1 The best years it gained 3,190,000 viewers for a 19.9% ​​market share. On Canale5 the last episode of The Patriarch it captivated 2,684,000 viewers in front of the video with a market share of 16%. On Rai2 Feature Tg2 – Flooding in Emilia Romagna is the choice of 917,000 viewers (4.6%). On Italy1 transporter 3 It gathered 1,146,000 spectators, which is 6.3%. On Rai3 calm air This is followed by 598,000 viewers with 3.3%. On network4 Fourth degree There were a total of 1,254,000 viewers (8.5%). On the A7 live propaganda it reaches 882,000 viewers and 6.3%. On TV8 celebrity chef reached 322,000 viewers (1.9%). On the nine Crozza’s best brothers 584,000 viewers (3.2%) are affected. On Rai4 trap on the high seas reports 401,000 viewers (2.1%). About irises A history of violence reached 412,000 viewers, which is 2.1%.

Access prime time

On Rai1 Five minutes achieves a rating of 4,248,000 viewers with 22% your business entertains 4,664,000 viewers with 22.9%. On channel 5 Remove the messages It gathers 3,567,000 viewers, which is 17.5%. On Italy1 NCIS extension comes with 5.7% to 1,145,000 viewers. On Rai3 The horse and the tower is watched by 1,367,000 viewers (6.9%) during A place in the Sun Total 1,618,000 viewers (7.9%). On network4 Italy tonight attracted 632,000 listeners (3.2%) in the first part and 607,000 viewers (3%) in the second part. On the A7 Half past eight 1,488,000 spectators (7.3%) were present. On TV8 100% Italy – The Tournament of Champions entertains 394,000 viewers (1.9%). On the nine Don’t forget the lyrics! – Stay on track It gathered 669,000 spectators (3.3%).


On Rai1 The Legacy – The Challenge of 7 reached an average viewership of 2,995,000 viewers, accounting for 23.2% The legacy It is viewed by 3,903,000 viewers, which is 25.2%. On channel 5 Forward the first! Story entertained 1,981,000 viewers (16.3%). Forward another one! Story convinced 2,799,000 viewers (18.8%). On Rai2 Hawaii Five-0 signed 441,000 viewers with 3% e NCIS extension 611,000 viewers with 3.4%. On Italy1 Open Studio Mag is seen by 359,000 viewers (2.6%). CSI extension by 486,000 viewers (2.8%). On Rai3 Regional News informed 2,412,000 viewers equal to 14.7%, while blobs reaches 884,000 viewers, which corresponds to 4.9% e The joy of music 935,000 viewers correspond to 4.9%. On network4 love storm 725,000 viewers (4%) are affected. On A7, preceded by Lingo – The first challenge to 198,000 viewers (1.6%), Lingo – words in play a total of 306,000 viewers (2.1%). On TV8 celebrity chef gained 262,000 viewers (1.6%). On the nine Cash or garbage – who offers more? is voted for by 515,000 viewers (3.2%).

day morning

On Rai1 TgUnomattina – press review Affects 375,000 viewers with 12.7% that Tg1 of 7 559,000 viewers with 12.9% e TgOne morning 717,000 viewers with 14.5% (in Tg1 of 8 to 1,049,000 and 20.3%). Below One morning is seen by 845,000 viewers with 18.6% and the first part of Italian stories from 885,000 viewers with 20%. On channel 5 Rg5 front page informs 692,000 viewers with 20.5% e Rg5 tomorrow 1,142,000 viewers with 22.2% while Five messages tomorrow It gathers 890,000 viewers with 19.2% in the first part and 858,000 viewers with 19.4% in the second part. On Rai2 Long live Rai2 greeted 829,000 viewers (16.7%), while Aracataca. I don’t want to change Planet 2 Initials 328,000 viewers (6.3%) e …And long live the mini video box 186,000 viewers (3.7%). To follow that Tg2 at 8:30 reaches 285,000 viewers (5.8%) e Radio2 Social Club is watched by 260,000 viewers (5.7%) during Rg2 Italy reaches 218,000 viewers (4.9%) e Rg2 blitz to 211,000 viewers (4.4%). On Italy1 Chicago fire reaches an audience of 134,000 viewers (2.8%) in the first episode and 128,000 viewers (2.9%) in the second episode Chicago P.D 162,000 viewers (3.6%) in the first episode. On Rai3 Good morning Italy reached a viewership of 442,000 viewers and 10.4% while TgR good morning region 510,000 viewers and 10.1%. Below agora convinced 416,000 viewers equal to 8.8% (lecture at 345,000 and 6.7%, Extra at 245,000 and 5.6%). On network4 MiamiVice gathered 44,000 spectators with 0.9% e Detectives in Lane 52,000 viewers with 1.2%. On the A7 omnibus reaches an audience of 159,000 (3.3%) e coffee breaks by 166,000 viewers (3.7%).

During the day at noon

On Rai1 the second part of Italian stories reached 1,001,000 viewers (18.7%). Below It’s always noon it is viewed by 1,651,000 viewers (16.8%). On channel 5 forums A total of 1,417,000 viewers with 19.5%. Later on Rai2 Tg sports to 222,000 viewers (4.5%), your facts 489,000 viewers (8.1%) are affected in the first part and 1,004,000 viewers (10.7%) in the second part. On Italia1 the second episode of Chicago P.D 247,000 viewers (4.2%) follow. Following Open Studio follows: Mediaset Sport reached 670,000 viewers (5.3%). On Rai3 elixirafter the presentation in front of 214,000 viewers (4.7%), it reaches 305,000 viewers (5.6%) and that Rg3 of 12 informs 838,000 viewers (10.4%), while how many stories gains 630,000 viewers (5.6%) e past and present 511,000 viewers (4%). On network4 Danger reports 76,000 viewers (1.4%) and after the news, The secret a total of 227,000 viewers (2.3%) e murder, she wrote 682,000 viewers (5.5%). On the A7 The air that blows it affects 323,000 viewers with 5.8% in the first part and 397,000 viewers with 3.9% in the second part called Oggi.

Daytime afternoon

On Rai1 Rg1 economy gathered 2,392,000 viewers with 18.9%, while Today is another day entertains 1,706,000 viewers at 15.8% (performing at 1,839,000 and 14.8%). Below Six sisters is watched by 966,000 viewers with 10.7% and after Tg1 to 1,162,000 viewers and 12.8%, Live the life reaches a viewership of 2,217,000 with 22.2% (lecture at 1,554,000 and 16.8%). On channel 5 Nice captures 2,453,000 viewers (19%) e bitter land 2,616,000 viewers (21%), during Men’s and Women’s History followed by 1,852,000 viewers, which is 17.4% (finals at 1,368,000 and 14.7%). The island of the famous with 1,342,000 viewers equal to 14.7%. Below Another morning Initials 993,000 viewers (10.9%) while fifth afternoon Insert before the video 1,215,000 viewers (13.2%) in the presentation, 1,531,000 viewers (15.6%) in the longer part and 1,465,000 viewers (13.3%) in the greetings. On Rai2 the Tour of Italy it concerns 1,511,000 spectators, which is 14.5% (Giro in Diretta 1,362,000 and 12.5%, Tour in finish 1,949,000 and 21.3%). Below stage process reports 902,000 viewers, which is 9.7%. On Italy1 The simpsons reached 474,000 viewers (3.7%) in the first episode, 586,000 viewers (4.7%) in the second episode and 564,000 viewers (4.9%) in the third episode. family Guy 404,000 viewers (3.9%). Below Deadly Weapon gained 299,000 viewers (3.2%) in the first episode and 274,000 viewers (3%) in the second episode person of interest 259,000 viewers (2.7%). On Rai3 Regional News informs 2,123,000 viewers (16.8%); Wait…Geo reaches 539,000 viewers (5.9%) e Geo to 920,000 viewers (9.1%). On network4 The forum desk won over 898,000 viewers with 7.6%, while Rg4 – Journal of the day 419,000 viewers follow with 4.5%. Below His Majesty is from Las Vegas is the choice of 307,000 viewers with 3.1%. On the A7 Tagada is seen by 314,000 viewers, which is 3.2% (presentation at 283,000 and 2.3%, #Focus at 273,000 and 3%), while Once upon a time in the twentieth century reached 136,000 viewers, which is 1.4%.

second evening

On Rai1 TV7 704,000 viewers follow with 12.9%. On channel 5 Ward 19 It is watched by 549,000 viewers (6.7%). On Rai2 ATuttoCalcio reached 296,000 viewers, which is 2.1%. On Italy1 Mission: Impossible III reached 389,000 viewers (5.7%). On Rai3 squid bone affects 228,000 viewers at 1.8%. On network4 All rise is the choice of 231,000 viewers (5.7%). On the A7 TgLa7 night informs 195,000 viewers (4.9%). On TV8 4 hotels reached 136,000 viewers (2.2%). On the nine agreements and disagreements reached 296,000 viewers and 2.7%.

news broadcasts


1:30 p.m. 3,467,000 (26.8%)

8 p.m. 4,717,000 (25.8%)


1 p.m. 1,951,000 (16.3%)

8:30 p.m. 1,282,000 (6.5%)


2:25 p.m. 1,404,000 (11.3%)

7 p.m. 1,986,000 (14.1%)


1 p.m. 2,963,000 (24.4%)

8:00 p.m. 3,948,000 (21.3%)


00:25 1,150,000 (11.8%)

6:30 p.m. 513,000 (4.5%)


11:55 a.m. 273,000 (3.6%)

6:55 p.m. 675,000 (4.7%)


1:30 p.m. 517,000 (4%)

8:00 p.m. 1,042,000 (5.6%)

TV ratings according to Auditel bands (percentage)

RAI 1 19.05 15.91 18.68 18.61 15.61 24.2 20.48 18.88

RAI 2 6.98 10.31 5.98 10.01 16.08 3.73 5.16 2.25

RAI 3 6.56 9.17 5.94 8.45 5.74 10.69 4.97 2.7

RAI SPECIFICATION 5.83 5.85 9.36 5.02 5.4 6.09 5.37 4.92

RAI 38.42 41.23 39.95 42.09 42.83 44.71 35.98 28.76

CHANNEL 5 16.86 19.87 18.92 20.67 14.2 18.33 16.81 13.06

ITALY 1 4.54 2.36 3.5 5.61 3.23 3.01 5.51 6.29

NETWORK 4 5 1.03 1.33 5.35 4.89 3.77 5.18 8.94

MED SPEC 10.59 8.21 10.68 8.13 10.46 8.83 10.51 13.38

AVERAGE SET 36.99 31.47 34.43 39.76 32.78 33.93 38 41.67

A7+A7D 4.89 3.5 4.79 3.71 3 3.08 6.68 8.29

SATELLITE 13.48 15.4 13.63 9.82 16.3 12.65 12.74 14.15

TERRESTRIAL 6.22 8.39 7.2 4.62 5.09 5.62 6.6 7.13

OTHER NETWORKS 19.7 23.79 20.83 14.44 21.39 18.27 19.34 21.28