Change in driving license from 2023 New regulations apply to all drivers

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  • Created: 05/20/2023 05:26

    By: Dominick Jahn

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    Starting this year, new rules apply that affect all drivers. Important changes are also planned for the driver’s license.

    For drivers, there will not only be changes in 2023 that will result in fines and penalties, as reported by There are also new regulations for all driver’s licenses – and they guarantee a huge driver’s license expansion.

    This means that the driver’s license is not only an issue for drivers who are still affected by the exchange period in January, but the European Union (EU) wants to release a special directive this year that will make changes to the car’s driver’s license and would result in the driver’s license test for novice drivers.

    The Fourth Driver’s License Guideline Is Coming – Will It Change For Drivers

    The “Allgemeine Deutscher Automobil-Club” (ADAC) writes about the planned changes to the driving license that the EU is currently “fundamentally revising the currently valid 3rd driving license directive”. According to the report, however, for the innovations to take effect in Germany as well, they must first be “transposed into national law”.

    General German Automobile Club (ADAC)
    May 24, 1903, Stuttgart
    21,231,584 (end of 2021)

    The 4th driving license directive deals essentially with increasing the total permitted weight that can be carried, with the recognition of a certain category of driving license abroad, with the digitization of the driving license document and, among other things, with the recognition of the withdrawal of the driver’s license abroad.

    Move more tons with your car’s driver’s license thanks to the new driver’s licenses

    There should be more freedom for the normal class B driving license in 2023. So far, drivers who obtained the driving license after January 1, 1999 can drive vehicles with a maximum permissible weight of 3.5 tons with class B vehicles. The new guideline now significantly expands the permissible weight.

    Until now, it has been difficult to get a mobile home that matches the registered weight class. In the future, all category B license holders will be able to drive vehicles weighing up to 4.25 tonnes.

    The extended driving license for light motorcycles is valid throughout the EU

    In addition, according to the “ADAC”, the B196 driving license must also be recognized abroad. If you extend your car driving license to this class, you will be able to drive light motorcycles up to 125 ccm. However, so far only in Germany. With the change, this would also be possible across the EU.

    And the driver’s license will go digital. According to the report, the objective should be that the corresponding application on the smartphone is sufficient in case of police check or car rental. It goes on to say, “A QR code is also being considered for the driver’s license verification card instead of the current chip to make it more tamper-proof.”

    Changes in driving practice: the road to the driver’s license test becomes more difficult

    Learner drivers would have to adapt enormously to changes. Although it should also be easier “to take the theoretical and practical driving test in different member states of the European Union”, the path to practical training can become more difficult. The 4th directive would stipulate that the theory must first be approved to be able to get into a car. In addition, “the driving test could be taken, at least partially, in simulators in the future”.

    Following the recommendation of several road safety experts, new drivers would have to complete the so-called refresher course after one year. This should help reduce the number of accidents. The EU Commission also foresees a change for the elderly. According to this, people over 70 years old must take a mandatory driving test. In Baden-Württemberg, however, this bill encounters resistance, as reports.

    Driving bans in Europe must become uniform

    It should also become more uniform across Europe for drivers whose driving license has been revoked. According to the “ADAC” report, this means: “A driving ban imposed in Italy would also apply in Germany.” And: Uniform limit values ​​for alcohol and drug consumption should be introduced. For this, the point systems in the various countries must be aligned and “driving license data of all EU citizens are stored in a Europe-wide database”.

    Overview of planned changes to the 2023 driving license

    • Drive 4.25 tons with a class B driving license in the future
    • Recognition of the B196 also abroad
    • Digital driving license and QR code
    • Learner drivers in the future first theory then practice
    • Withdrawal of driving license: recognition at EU level
    • Class of trucks and buses (C, D): Minimum age less than 18 years