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Ukraine, artificial intelligence and China: an important G7

The most important things are not always in black and white. The G7 summit in Hiroshima illustrates this well.

Yes, the heads of state and government will discuss the war in Ukraine. They will deal with nuclear armament reduction. They will also discuss the problems created by artificial intelligence. However, the main objective of this G7 summit is to strengthen alliances between the democracies, in particular the fight against the growing influence of China.

This objective is particularly evident in the list of 16 countries and international organizations invited to observe the discussions. These include Australia, Brazil, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, the WTO and the IMF. On the other hand, South Africa, which is almost always invited because it is too close to Beijing and Moscow, is missing.

Why discuss denuclearization in Hiroshima?

The Japanese government maintains in world public opinion that the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were inhumane and unnecessary. In reality, Japan was developing its own nuclear bombs at the time, and the Japanese military hoped to use them against the Americans. However, Japanese generals harbored illusions about the progress of Japan’s nuclear program. Only with the detonation of the second bomb, a hydrogen bomb more advanced than the first, would they have been convinced of the superiority of the United States. Still, the extraordinary nature of the atomic bombs allowed the Japanese leaders to save face and accept defeat. Since then, a strong anti-nuclear movement has flourished in Japan. Holding a G7 summit in Hiroshima and discussing denuclearization there can satisfy a large segment of the Japanese electorate, even if denuclearization does not take place.

  • Listen to the chronicle of Loïc Tassé, specialist in international politics, on the microphone of Benoît Dutrizac QUB radio :

What can be expected from artificial intelligence?

As is usual with dossiers of this nature, the G7 leaders will try to identify the problem. But it seems like no one is quite sure what to do, or really understands the magnitude of the artificial intelligence revolution that is brewing. The 20th century was that of technology, the 21st will probably be that of artificial intelligence.

What to expect from the war in Ukraine?

We shouldn’t expect significant progress on the Ukraine issue, even if Volodymyr Zelenskyy goes to the G7 summit in person. This is because the United States and France, fearing an escalation, are slowing down shipments of advanced weapons to Ukraine, while countries like the United Kingdom are pushing sales of advanced weapons to Ukrainians.

  • Listen to the chronicle of Loïc Tassé, specialist in international politics, on the microphone of Benoît Dutrizac QUB radio :

Should China be worried?

The G7 countries are courting several non-aligned powers. Several of them are threatened with authoritarian temptation, especially India. In fact, with his ruthless and aggressive policies, Xi Jinping is his own worst enemy.

What is Canada doing at the G7?

The issues of the G7 lie outside the old rosewater and so-called feminist international politics of Justin Trudeau’s administration. His administration has begun to actively promote Canada’s Asia-Pacific strategy. This strategy has been successful so far, as evidenced by the warm welcome Trudeau received in South Korea. Because of its natural resources, Canada can play an important role in the region, including by providing Indo-Pacific countries with access to its natural riches. However, many of these countries, such as South Korea and Japan, are dominated by industrial groups in which Canadian companies are a dwarf. Great caution is required.

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