1684600357 A 31 year old man loses a leg in a Madrid town

A 31-year-old man loses a leg in a Madrid town when an explosive detonates

A 31 year old man loses a leg in a Madrid town

A 31-year-old man lost his right leg this Saturday in an explosion in the Madrid municipality of Pelayos de la Presa (population 2,867, 63 km west of Madrid). The explosion occurred in a cabin in front of a house and the cause is currently being investigated by the Guardia Civil.

The man’s leg was “in catastrophic condition” with second and third degree burns covering 40% of his body, according to a spokesman for the 112 emergency line of the Autonomous Community of Madrid. Summa 112 health workers stabilized him and helicoptered him to the Hospital de La Paz in the capital. “At 1:45 p.m. we received a call about an explosion that had occurred in Travesía de San Pelayo,” says the spokesman. The house is located in an urbanization of chalets near the Convent of Santa María la Real de Valdeiglesias, a 12th century building.

A spokeswoman for the Guardia Civil reports that explosives deactivation specialists, the Tédax, cordoned off the area.

The deflagration startled residents who were in the town square, where a United We Can rally was taking place. Councilor Mario Cuéllar of this coalition says that at 1:30 p.m. a very loud, dry noise was heard from the monastery area. “We blamed a firecracker and didn’t give it any greater importance,” says Cuéllar. The neighbors went on to do their shopping and only a few minutes later found out what had happened when the emergency services and the Civil Guard arrived.

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