Im ashamed of Montreal Montrealers are concerned about the metropolis

‘I’m ashamed of Montreal’: Montrealers are concerned about the metropolis’ growing phenomenon of homelessness

Montrealers are lamenting the growing number of people who have been homeless for at least three years.

• Also read: Homelessness: Disturbing camps in downtown Montreal

• Also read: A migrant camp was dismantled in Granby

A particularly observable situation in the streets of the city center, especially near the Guy Favreau complex.

Some reported fighting, shouting and drug use.

Many worry about their safety and are afraid to walk around the area alone.

“They chose a bad location for this because we are in the international city center where people come to the Palais des Congrès where tourists pass by,” said Jimmy Khaled, a resident of the area.

“It leaves a bad image of the city of Montreal,” he concludes.

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“As soon as you step outside, it gets creepy,” says Marie-Josée Leblanc, another resident.

“The Palais-des-Congrès attracts an international audience, I feel ashamed when I walk by there and there are beggars. I’m ashamed of Montreal,” she adds.

According to Ms Leblanc, “It would take 24 out of 24 workers, but they can’t make it, there’s not enough money”.

If the problem is complex, the glaring shortage of staff seems to be at the heart of the concern.

Edwige Zamy, who has been homeless for six years, believes that “we should tap into other resources like Guy-Favreau and get the support.” [sans jugement] Stakeholders”.

She adds that each case is unique and should be treated as such.

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“So far this year we have been able to accommodate 98 people with leases. This means that they have a permanent place of residence and no longer need emergency services. These are people that workers follow, and that’s part of the solutions. Is that enough? No, we need to do more,” said Sam Watts, CEO of Welcome Hall Mission.