Alarm from Russia radioactive cloud towards Europe Updates iLMeteoit

Alarm from Russia: radioactive cloud towards Europe! Updates

Fear, alarm and concern in Europe

Fear, alarm and concern in Europe. An ammunition depot indepleted uranium sent from the west it was destroyed in a Russian bombing raid and as a result a “radioactive cloud” on the way to Europe. This was stated by the head of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, quoted by the RIA Novosti agency. According to Patrushev An increase in radioactive levels has already been detected in Poland.

But as an answer “We have received no radioactive emergency reports”he writes the Polish Atomic Energy Agency on his website he states that he is “in constant contact with the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Ukrainian Nuclear Regulatory Agency (Snriu)” and that he has access “to the International Radiation Emergency Early Notification System (USIE)”. After “wrong informationabout the radiation hazard in Poland,” explains the agency “The situation in the country is normal”: The peak values ​​​​observed in the last few days in Poland, but also in the rest of Europe, are not unusual and occur “regularly” together with the rainfall.

The head of the Security Council, as reported by Corriere della Sera, he had not specified where the bombing would take placebut it is a fact that in the last few days images have appeared of a Russian attack that took place in the region on May 13 Khmelnitskywest of Kiev, resulting in one huge black cloudshaped like a mushroom cloud. Hypotheses that depleted uranium ammunition may have exploded were also discussed in various Russian media.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry in recent days Russian bombings in Ukraine have multiplied on arms depots of NATO countries with the aim of blocking the announced counter-offensive in Kiev.