Canadian Music Hall of Fame Diane Dufresne enters the Palace

Canadian Music Hall of Fame: Diane Dufresne enters the Palace of the Immortals

Singer Diane Dufresne and musician Oliver Jones were officially inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame Thursday night in Calgary.

The singer thus becomes the first French-speaking interpreter working in this language to be presented there.

Canadian Music Hall of Fame: Diane Dufresne enters the Palace of the Immortals

CARA’S PHOTO / Neil Zeller

During the ceremony, she notably presented some of the outstanding pieces from her rich musicography that contributed to her success.

Diane Dufresne has performed alongside Montreal-born country singer Terri Clark, rock band Trooper and prolific jazz pianist Dr. Oliver Jones, to whom singer Ranee Lee and pianist Robi Botos paid their heartfelt homage, joined the immortals.

Remember that in 1999, lyricist Luc Plamondon became the first French-speaking artist to be inducted into the Hall of Fame by the Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences.