Vardas mom didnt like the dress she wore on her

Varda’s mom didn’t like the dress she wore on her last TV appearance –

During her visit to Véronique et les Fantastiques last week, Varda Étienne said her mother didn’t really like the dress she wore during the Grand Bien-Cuit ComediHa! by Cathy Gauthier, recently aired on TV.

“Why do your poultry want to fly out of your chicken coop? “Your breasts are very vulgar, one in Laval-des-Rapides, the other in St-Hubert, I don’t like that,” she says, imitating her mother Maryse. Note that when Varda impersonates her mother on the radio, it’s always hilarious.

The host and former Big Brother Celebrities contestant continues, “At 50, here’s my mom’s answer: ‘You do what you want, but I’ll call your dad to talk about it.’ »

“I didn’t like it at all,” she insists, in her sweet mother’s accent. “People will say you look like a girl dancing on a pole to pay for college. “.

“It was a bit too much,” Varda admits. “The twins were in a good mood, preppy. I had a Jessica Rabbit dress. » See photos at the end of the article.

For our part, we thought Varda was great that night. She was also excellent, by the way. As Véro and his Fantastiques would say: we love ALL of it.

You can listen to the Grand Bien-Cuit ComediHa! by Cathy Gauthier on

Remember we can catch Varda on TVA this summer when she will be back as a staff member at Sucré Salé. Find out what’s new about the concept here.