Summary of Telenovela e Paixao Next Chapter Monday May 22

Summary of Telenovela e Paixão: Next Chapter, Monday May 22 TV

Check out the synopsis of the next chapter of Terra e Paixão, Globo’s nine o’clock soap opera, airing this Monday (22):

Caio reacts to Antonio kicking him out of the house. Lucinda gets compliments from Marino. Aline confronts Antonio. Caio and Daniel make a pact. Luigi locks Petra’s medication in a drawer. Elias takes Mara’s money.

Daniel criticizes Grace. Caio is disappointed when Aline tells him that all she can offer is her friendship. Cândida advises Caio to stay with her at the bar. Cândida threatens to reveal everything she knows about Irene if she harms Caio.

Read the summaries of the next chapters of the telenovela Terra e Paixão.

The Terra e Paixão chapters are provided by Globo and are subject to change without notice.

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