1684669716 Why do so many people use gasoline to wash their

Why do so many people use gasoline to wash their cars? | Allaguida To the travel guide

Gasoline is usually used as a fuel, but not everyone knows that it can also be useful for cleaning your car.

Did you know that many are affected? used gasoline to wash his car? It really seems unbelievable to think about given today’s incredible fuel costs and awareness of the damage to the environment without considering the safety hazards.

The ecological change means that cars are becoming less and less slaves to oil and thus Gas. Laws are also becoming stricter from this point of view and the aim is not to waste fuel, as has been “recommended” in the past.

wash car with petrol

Many of you will probably remember the car DeLorean, known for her experience in the film “Back to the Future”. There DMC-12 It was the only car the Detroit company promoted in the US market, and overall it was quite successful.

In fact, almost 10,000 models were sold and it was a vehicle that was 421 cm long, 185 cm wide and 114 cm high. Not a bad engine, with a V6 from 130 hp thus allowing her to pass From 0 to 100 km/h in 8.8 seconds.

All very nice and interesting, the problem is that in its owner’s manual this car presents an incredible and nowadays unthinkable passage. To be able to clean it properly, it was the declaration of the parent company itself since it would have been better to use gasoline.

No company today would ever give such advice unless they wanted to scour all the newspapers and be sued for “inciting global pollution.” Any ethical and environmental discourse aside, why? DeLorean Did you recommend gasoline for washing the car?

DeLorean DMC-12 cleaned with gasoline – here’s why

According to the US company, the car owner should have cleaned the fenders with warm water and a low-fat detergent. Tar stains, on the other hand, were easily removed with gasoline or mineral spirits.

DeLorean DMC-12, flushed with gasoline

DeLorean DMC-12, “Back to the Future” car (Source: Pixabay)

The motivation is determined by the fact that gasoline, just like the alcohol It is a solvent and therefore allows you to change the chemical structure of most bacteria and viruses. The petrol immediately attacks enzymes and proteins and can thus remove any residual stains.

Obviously, using alcohol instead of gasoline is much better for three reasons. The first reason lies in the enormous waste of several liters of gasoline to clean your car. However, the second is perhaps the most important, because constant fuel vapors are actually harmful to our bodies. In fact, there were several soldiers in the gulf war They became ill from the gasoline fumes that wet the sand.

The only time petrol can still be used for cleaning is to remove the resin, but soaking a cloth with a dash of petrol will suffice. Apparently DeLorean He didn’t want to hurt you, it was just different times and a lot of things weren’t known. In addition, this “waste” of gasoline is also evidence of how in the United States The price of fuel was so low it was almost taken for granted.