Census progress in Uruguay

According to this autonomous institution, more than 47 percent of households responded digitally to the 2023 census.

The director of the INE, Diego Aboal, informed the Montevideo Portal that this percentage corresponds to more than 600,000 households and more than one and a half million people already registered.

At the end of today, the possibility of filling out the forms online ends

Upon completion of this phase, census takers will gradually begin conducting in-person censuses in the area at the end of May.

This requires visiting one million 500,000 addresses registered in the previous mapping, spread across more than 650 locations in urban areas across the country.

There are 61 questions designed to identify, among other things, the size of the Uruguayan population, living conditions, housing conditions, level of education and other details.

One of the questions aims to find out who is the head of the household, which led to controversy regarding gender differences.

The president of the INE made it clear: “It has nothing to do with the distribution of power. It’s about knowing the types of houses that exist. If they are single parents, if they are couples with no children. It is not thought in terms of a distribution of power.

The new required data includes that all people are classified according to their registered sex at birth (including category “X”) and their self-concept or self-image (“female”, “trans/transvestite female”, “male”, “trans. “) be asked male”). /trans masculinity”, “non-binary”, “other identity/none of the above”.

One of the aims is to know the effects of migration in the country.
