Presence at Unit 9 Filming Gouchy Boy Stands on Trial

Presence at ‘Unit 9’ Filming: Gouchy Boy Stands on Trial for Sexual Assault – Teller Report

The comedian known as Gouchy Boy is currently on trial for sexual assault, whom he met on a previous date on the set of TV series Unité 9.

• Also read: Sexual allegations: Goûchy Boy charged again

• Also read: Goûchy Boy was acquitted of rape after his first trial

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Ugochukwu Chijoke Onyechekwa faces three charges of sexual assault, violent detention and sexual harassment. The alleged events allegedly happened in 2018.

Back then, he played the character of prison guard Koffi Yatabéré in the popular TV series Unit 9.

He had met the alleged victim during a day of shooting.

Their relationship would quickly melt away, said the woman, whose identity is protected by a publication ban. If he was initially very attentive to her, like a “big teddy bear”, the relationship quickly faltered, she explained.

“He nags, he throws tantrums, if I don’t answer the phone within a second, he calls back, he calls back.” Then he said to me: If I call, you answer me!”, the woman summed up.

Crazy boy

Photo Pierre Paul Poulin

After a few months, she breaks off all contact with him. But she goes to his bedside when she learns that he has been urgently hospitalized.

Despite his commitment, the man was “aggressive” and “controlling”.

She still picks him up when he is discharged from the hospital. It’s a few days after the aggression would have taken place.

They had gone to a motel like they used to. But the place frequented by escorts was “disgusting”, the woman disliked. They then switched motels, but the man was furious at the situation. He screamed, was aggressive because she had never seen him, she said.

“He scared me, I want to leave, but I feel like that’s not an option, I can’t think anymore,” she said.

She recalls being “in a panic” at the time, bursting into tears.

He then allegedly asked her to stop giving birth because he wanted to “fuck” her.

“I’m trying to get away, I’m frozen,” she added.

Crazy boy

Photo Pierre Paul Poulin

At his request, she would have stretched out beside him. The man would have penetrated him despite his refusal. Even when she told him she was in pain, he would have continued.

Anyone who only knew the man by his nickname, Gouchy Boy, would have had a hard time cutting contact. She wanted to end the relationship, but he insisted and bombarded her with messages. Several text messages, videos and photos were presented to Judge Christian Jarry imploring her to come back. He even drove twice to his house, which is more than 200 km away from where he lives.

The second time it rang repeatedly for almost an hour, in the middle of the night. The woman was so scared that she hid in her closet while waiting for the police to arrive.

“I’m afraid when will it end? How far is he willing to go? I’m trying to get out of it, but I’m done, I don’t know how to do it,” she said of the fact that she’s having a hard time cutting off contact.

Ugochukwu Chijoke Onyechekwa faced another sexual assault trial in 2021 but was acquitted.

He is currently facing further charges of sexual offenses against an applicant who was a minor at the time of the alleged offences.