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Paolo Noise, after retiring due to health problems “The Island of the Famous”, he returned to speak to “The 105 Zoo”. The former castaway was introduced to the program, which he runs with his friend and partner, from Miami Marco Mazzoli (still in Honduras) to share his experience on the reality show Canale 5. “I had a significant increase in blood pressure (Hypertension, ed.). I had two stabilizations from different doctors. I took two helicopters in forty minutes, I had a bad time.”
In his speech, Paolo Noise also talked about how he has to change his habits after the retreat: “God stopped me.”
I am now going to take a drug that I will have to take for lifeand I won’t be able to drink anymore. The doctor did not give me the opportunity to continue. Thank you to the rescue team, the helicopter pilots, the people with the hulls and even the Hondurans who live there and fish for a living. They were all exceptional and humane.” And he adds: “In short, I had a very significant blood pressure spike – 160 out of 110 – presumably due to dehydration, which then leveled out.” I lay on the beach in the dark at night, 40 minutes by boat from the first medical center, they immediately came to get me, it was a very difficult matter even for Marco who was very scared and worried. They stabilized me, then the helicopter arrived at night in the rain and took me first to a medical center and then back to the hospital to the intensive care unit. In forty minutes I took two helicopters, two different doctors did two stabilizations,
As soon as I arrive in Milan I need to create a voucher that is already reserved.”
Noise also explained why he didn’t return to Italy immediately after leaving the program: “The first fifteen days I can only do small trips,” he explained, “I did two hours from Honduras to Miami, then I go. ” to New York. I have to stop there two days before leaving for Italy, I have to stay calmer.”
The new life of Paolo Noise – After giving his wife a real fright
Stephanie Caroliwho said she was worried about his health
Noise is ready to change your life. Also thanks to his experience at “L’Isola”: “What I’ve observed, and I’m happy about that, is that basically what Mazzoli and I wanted came out: to produce a different image of the zoo. We’re ugly, dirty and bad, but
we are human too – he said -. This month has changed me profoundly, but Marco has changed too, when he comes out he will be a different person. On a human level, he has changed his priorities: before he only put his work first, now he will most certainly put his family first.”