Incident in St Peters Square Pope refuses dog blessing Religion

Climate policy: Pope Francis calls for an end to the fossil era Religion

climate policy

Pope Francis calls for concrete measures to end power generation from coal and gas. At the UN climate conference in Dubai in December, politicians must “take a swift and fair turn to end the era of fossil fuels”, the Pope said.

05.25.2023 02.14

Online since today, 14:02

This was the Pope’s message published on Thursday, according to Kathpress. He wrote it on the occasion of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on September 1st. “An economic policy that promotes scandalous wealth for a privileged few and worse conditions for many others spells the end of peace and justice,” Francis writes.

He also calls for a change in attitude towards nature and personal lifestyle. The individual should avoid unnecessary waste and consumption and live more sustainably. “Let’s heed the call to stand with the victims of environmental and climate injustice and end this senseless war against creation,” warned the Pope.

“Let’s take bold steps”

He also expressly referred to the warnings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), according to which “only immediate action in favor of the climate can guarantee that we continue to have the opportunity to create a more sustainable and fairer world”. People must reach out to each other, Francis said: “Let us take courageous steps so that justice and peace permeate the whole world.”

Francis proclaimed a day of prayer for the integrity of creation in 2015, following the publication of his environmental and social encyclical “Laudato Si” for the Catholic Church. In doing so, he joined an initiative by the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, which initiated the Day of Prayer in 1989.