Fruit Rich in B Vitamins Helps Improve Memory and Fight

Fruit Rich in B Vitamins Helps Improve Memory and Fight Alzheimer’s

The fruit is rich in B vitamins, which improve memory and fight Alzheimer'sClose up of a man holding his head in black. – Photo: Getty Images

Alzheimer’s is a sign of dementia that affects thinking, language, judgment and behavior; The most common is progressive memory loss. Generally, the disease is diagnosed in people after the age of 60, but cases earlier in life have been reported.

“Severe memory loss, confusion, and other major changes in the way our minds work can be a sign that brain cells are failing,” the National Institute on Aging explained.

Dementia may exist for a short time and then go away (temporarily), or it may not go away but may get worse over time. So far there is no cure. However, science continues to work to ensure that the symptoms do not completely change the patient’s life.

Also, there is one Dietary supplements that prevent Alzheimer’s: These are the foods that contain it.

Many of the scientists who study Alzheimer’s don’t fully understand what causes Alzheimer’s in humans, but they explain it In patients with early-onset disease, a genetic mutation may be the cause, while in patients with late-onset disease, a complex array of brain changes may be the cause that can occur over decades.

The fruit is rich in B vitamins, which improve memory and fight Alzheimer'sAlzheimer’s disease Illustration of amyloid plaques between neurons and neurofibrillary tangles within neurons. Amyloid plaques are hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease. They lead to the degeneration of the affected neurons, which are destroyed by the activity of microglial cells. – Photo: Getty Images/Science Photo Libra

Which Fruit Helps Fight Alzheimer’s?

Also known as the dragon fruit, the pitaya is a night-blooming cactus that grows in arid tropical or subtropical environments.contains about 12 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams with nearly 8 grams of sugar in the same serving) and 1.18 grams of protein, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Agricultural Research Service).

The fruit is rich in B vitamins, which improve memory and fight Alzheimer'sPitaya – Photo: Getty Images

this fruit contains vitamin A in the form of carotene, which would be an essential ingredient to boost memory. However, some studies show a possible link between taking vitamin A and preventing Alzheimer’s disease. What can be done to improve memory?.

It also provides vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system and contains antioxidants that are involved in the destruction of free radicals in the body. These are molecules that can trigger all sorts of diseases, such as cancer or cardiovascular problems.

Other nutrients that pitaya contains are: Vitamins B1, B2 and B3, which help maintain skin moisture (they are found in topical skin treatments) and allow for the reduction of LDL cholesterol levels.

Also dragon fruit Contains the minerals calcium, iron and small amounts of potassium, chromium and magnesium and is important for red blood cell production, as stated on the Mejor con Salud website. There are alsoa seed that helps prevent diabetes and provides the body with calcium and magnesium.

Pitaya is high in fiber and can be eaten fresh or dried. Its fruit is round-ovate, and the flesh can be white, red, yellow, purple, red-purple, and some black seeds.

It is important to include this type of fruit in the diet to ensure a balanced diet that provides the body with the necessary nutrients.