1685185469 More than 3000 euros fine and a loss of 8

More than 3000 euros fine and a loss of 8 points on the driver’s license: Flashed 13 times in less than two months, the biker hid his license plate with his left hand

A technique that has paid off. But it only lasted a while.

The one who thought he would take is taken.

At the beginning of May, the Catalan traffic authority (Servei Català de Trànsit) sounded the alarm. Indeed, a bikers repeatedly committed speeding violations. But every time he managed to hide his license plate with the left hand when flashed. So it is impossible to identify it.

Salty delicatessen

A technique that paid off as the biker was flashed 13 times between March 16th and May 5th on the BV-1248 between Matadepera and Sabadell, always in the same place.

Lightning struck 13 times in less than two months on this small street in Catalonia.

Lightning struck 13 times in less than two months on this small street in Catalonia. Screenshot – @googlemaps

After the report was sent to the Mossos d’Esquadra, the Catalan police, the case took a different turn. The vehicle and the motorcyclist were quickly identified. And he was arrested in Sabadell on May 16, according to information from 324. And for the biker, the bill is high: 2100 euros for speeding, 1040 euros for concealing his number plate and 200 euros for irregular driving. All supplemented by a deduction of 8 points.