North Korea builds border wall

North Korea builds border wall

Portal analyzed satellite images of North Korea’s borders with China and Russia from 2019 to 2023

As COVID19 spread across the world in 2020, North Korean leader Kim Jongun’s regime began physically closing North Korea’s borders with China and Russia, cutting off routes for smugglers and deserters. The information comes from Portal.

The news agency, together with the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey (USA), analyzed satellite images showing that hundreds of kilometers of fences, walls and guard posts were being built or renovated.

According to Portal, these works reduce the flow of information and goods going in and out of the country. It continues to keep out foreign elements and further isolates North Koreans.

The analyzed satellite images were taken from 2019 to early 2023. According to the agency, it was not possible to analyze the roughly 1,400 km border with China and the 18 km border with Russia because they faced limitations such as incomplete images. geographic features and climatic conditions.

The available images have demonstrated that new or expanded security infrastructure is in place along at least 489 km of the border. This infrastructure includes single wire fences, strong concrete walls, double fences and additional guard posts.

Many of the installations would be in populated areas with no natural obstacles such as mountains. But new infrastructure was also created in flat and agriculturally used areas in the northwest along the Tumen River.

China’s foreign ministry said in a statement to Portal that it was not aware of the situation, but that “China and North Korea are maintaining communications and working together to maintain border security and stability.”