Another arson attack in the metropolis –

A man loses his life trying to save his dogs from a fire

A 65-year-old man died in the fire at his house in Haute-Saône on Tuesday evening after, according to his wife, he had tried to take his dogs there, we learned on Wednesday from the Vesoul public prosecutor’s office, thereby confirming information provided by the regional police daily L ‘Est Republicain.

The disaster, the origin of which is not yet known, happened in Magny, a town of around 150 inhabitants south-east of Vesoul.

According to Vesoul prosecutor Arnaud Grécourt, the residents of the house, a sixty-year-old man and his wife, were initially able to leave their accommodation.

But according to his wife, the six-year-old would then have returned to the house to proceed with the couple’s “recovery of the dog or dogs,” said the judge, who could not specify whether it was and had one or more dogs also no information about their condition.

The shocked woman was hospitalized in Vesoul.

A police investigation has been launched.

In early April, a couple drowned in the Meuse trying to rescue their dog, which had jumped into a stream while out for a walk.

The two victims, around 25, were trapped under a concrete pipe that ran under a road. The dog managed to escape from the water.