Janette Bertrand I want to live to be at least

Janette Bertrand: “I want to live to be at least 100 years old”

At 98, Janette Bertrand is still full of ideas. “I want to live to be at least 100 years old,” says the author, who has two books in the works in addition to a TV series.

“I want to live as long as possible, but well,” the author said on Monday’s episode of Marie-Claude Barrette’s Open Your Game podcast, released online.

Janette Bertrand

“I’m 98 years old, but my head is 40 years old,” she adds. You have to grow old or you’re dead. I still have many projects. »

Don’t be afraid of death

If she wants to celebrate her 100th anniversary “by eating oysters all night,” however, Janette Bertrand agrees to go.

“I’m not afraid of death,” she said. When I fall or when I’m sick, I say to myself: maybe I won’t make it and die…”

After speaking to Yvon Deschamps, she decided to do the same as his friend and leave him his legacy while he was still alive, she explained.

“I can experience the happiness that this money brings to my children and grandchildren. [l’achat d’une maison ou d’un premier appartement par exemple]what I couldn’t see if I wasn’t there anymore.

However, she admitted that she was particularly saddened by the disappearance of her son-in-law François Guy, who died accidentally on May 12 at the age of 76. He was the husband of his daughter, actress Isabelle Lajeunesse.

“I feel such an emptiness inside, it was nice at first and then he became a friend,” she revealed.


Janette Bertrand, who will soon be publishing Aging, It is Learned Young, appeals to older people: “I am looking for role models for old age. Send me letters revealing your secrets to happy seniors. These mysteries could be the subject of a second book, in addition to fueling his upcoming TV series.

Picking up a question card from the Open Your Game podcast, Janette Bertrand pledged that if she were granted three wishes by a genius, she would wish: in front of her children and her lover Donald (20 years her junior) to die, “to breastfeed. I have shows and projects to show I’m not senile” and live to be over 100 years old.

A happy life

“I do everything in life to be loved,” Ms. Bertrand also said to Marie-Claude Barrette. We all lack love. When the audience gets up after my lectures and tells me they love me, it does me so much good.

As for her miracle in life, Janette Bertrand reaffirms her duty to her father, who found the positive in everything. “I see the positive side of people and things. I am happy alive.”