Biden Reisen the fall on stage at the cadet ceremony

Biden Reisen: the fall on stage at the cadet ceremony in Colorado

He had just taken a few steps on stage when he tripped and fell to the floor. The President of the United States Joe Biden He fell to his knees and tumbled across the carpet while attending the awards ceremony diplomas to cadets at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. Biden, 80, stood up immediately, propped on one knee, aided by three people who escorted him to his seat.

The President stood up calmly and pointed behind him with his index finger, as if to indicate the object he had stumbled upon. The communications director White HouseBen LaBolt said on Twitter that Biden was fine. After the fall, the President stopped to watch the end of the ceremony.


This isn’t the first time Biden has lost his footing. In 2021 the time has come stumbled three times while climbing the ladder of Air Force One to fly to Atlanta. After getting up and dusting his knees, he reached the top of the ladder and gave a military salute before entering the cabin. As he approached the plane, the President looked casual limp.

The pictures ended up in the news around the world. However, last year the President fell while beginning to horseback ride Cycles in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, but even then he got back up quickly. “I’m fine,” he told reporters who were following him along with Secret Service agents. Biden explained that he had difficulty detaching his shoes from the pedals, where they sometimes got stuck clip.

Doubts about re-nomination

When elected, Biden held the record as the oldest president in US history. The exponent of democrats He has already announced that he will stand again in the 2024 elections and, if elected, would reach the venerable age of 86 at the end of the four-year presidency. The personal data is of great concern to American voters, including those belonging to his party. THE SurveyIn fact, they are clear: Many supporters of the Democrats want a younger candidate.

The battle for leadership therefore remains open, also because there is still a year left until the vote and anything can happen. At the moment, however, there are no democratic figures who can undermine him. The nominations for the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of the assassinated senator of the same name and known for his critical positions on vaccines, and Marianne Williamson, a popular author of self-help books, are weak for now.