is he lying to you Here are some gestures that

is he lying to you Here are some gestures that you should not underestimate Grantennis Toscana

When a person lies, they send out various signals, including gestures that should not be underestimated.

Should we notice all these signals during a conversation, it is advisable to straighten the antennas and be very careful. We could face a liar just telling us a nice story.

Liar gestures signal liesLiar: By decoding their gestures we can expose them –

Is there a way to understand if the person in front of us is lying to us? There is no doubt that all of us have come here at least once in our lives where we have felt the nagging feeling Someone didn’t tell us correctly.

So let’s see What signals should we look out for? to try to expose the liars trying to deceive us with their lies.

Debunking someone like Pinocchio, the perennial symbol of the serial liar, would be all too easy: that nose, lengthening with each puppet lie, would make what we would today call “debunking” extremely easy. Too much grace! Naturally It’s not always easy to decipher the signals that indicate the presence of a lie.

However, some characters, with careful examination, may allow us to decipher them. This allows us to understand whether our interlocutor is lying to us or not. To achieve this, however, we cannot limit ourselves to listening and observing. We need to look at that very carefully too body language hey eye movements, which can tell us very interesting things. We must pay particular attention to this series of signals.

Notice how he moves his eyes

The movements of the eyes, the look of the person in front of us: these are fundamental elements to know if they are trying to deceive. If that Students quickly move left and right, it could mean that the interlocutor is lying to us. In fact, those who lie usually tend to do so avoid eye contact.

eye movement signal lyingEven the movement of the eyes can reveal the lie –

But that’s not always the case: serial liars, used to lying, have practiced enough to learn to stare into each other’s eyes to appear sincere. However, some telltale moves are less controllable. For example, we normally blink about five times a minute. However, when we are under stress, we can even hit them five or six times in a row.

Another tactic to spot the liar by their eyes is to ask them to remember something. If he’s looking to the left, it means he’s busy evoking a memory, if he’s looking to the right, he’s most likely trying to invent an answer (the opposite is true for left-handers).

Too much body stiffness

It’s true that being nervous leads to being restless and moving around a lot, but Immobility must also be kept in mind. A too stiff body, practically motionless, is an alarm signal for a possible lie. It’s as if the body is sending out some sort of defensive signal, preparing for a possible fight.

Spy body stiffness lieToo stiff posture during the conversation? Bad signal –

Normally, when we speak normally, our body moves in a relaxed, subtle way, according to mostly unconscious and unnoticed natural movements. Too rigid a posture should make us suspicious.

A smile “only” of the lips

The liar tries to deceive his interlocutor with a lot of beautiful, but not very natural smiles. In the meantime, due to their disproportionate number, significantly more than the conversation requires. But mainly The liar only smiles with his lips.

lie, smile, lipsLiars only conjure up smiles –

Conversely, a spontaneous and natural smile is also accompanied by other body movements, including those of the eyes and eyebrows. The authentic smile involves our whole body, not just the lips. Simulators and hypocrites, on the other hand, only pretend to smile. And in their action, they usually only focus on the lips. They forget that in this way they betray their true intentions.

Exaggerated talk, too many details during the conversation

To fill a gap, we try, as we often do, to emphasize the surrounding elements. Where there is a lack of substance we try to make up for it with form, where there is a lack of information quality we resort to quantity of data. For this reason Those who tell us lies usually add many, too many details on the matter he is talking about. He believes that telling us everything in detail increases his credibility.

Gab signal lieA flood of details? They may be lying to us –

Gab is one of the Liars’ skilled tricksters. So be wary of those who clutter their stories with details that are almost always superfluous and useless. On the contrary: those who want to build a really trusting relationship with us go straight to the point, make linear speeches that are not aimed at astonishing us with special effects or fantasies.

Contradictory Communication: Body movements that don’t match words

The Pinocchio on duty must also have prepared a very convincing and bombproof speech. Unfortunately for him, he often neglects the aspect of communication, which therefore seems contradictory. So there is a gap between his verbal and non-verbal language. In other words, the movements of the body do not correspond to the words he addresses to us.

If you are lying, you can say “yes” out loud, but nod your head “no”. Or we pretend to be sorry when we see a look of happiness in their eyes. In this way it is caught in the chestnut.

He keeps repeating the questions you ask him

Unprepared students often repeat the teacher’s question. Have you ever noticed this? Pretend you don’t understand or that you got it wrong, it takes time. It is a Tactic to gain a few useful seconds to make up your own mind and come up with something convincing to make people believe you went to college.

Repeat question liarPretending to understand nothing: another typical liar tactic –

The counterfeiters use the same tactic: by pretending not to understand the question, they try to mislead the attention by shifting it elsewhere. In this case, too, the point is to scrape together precious seconds: the time to invent the little story that serves to fool us.

Emotionally distance yourself from the topic of discussion

If the liar is lying about a person, they are most likely trying too Establish an emotional distance between yourself and the topic of conversation. Instead of naming the person, they refer to them using generic terms like “this/this”, “this”, “this chick”, etc.

Serial liars also often verbally distance themselves from the objects of their lies and depersonalize them in their “appearances.”

Feet, pay attention to how they are arranged

Unintentional liars tend to Put your feet towards the exit. The liar is in an uncomfortable and stressful situation and wants to get out of it as soon as possible. So he instinctively sets out to make an escape route. Unless he’s a serial liar who feels complacent even when telling big lies, the direction of the feet can tell us a lot about our interlocutor’s desire to run away.

lying foot arrangementThe orientation of the feet towards the exit is another signal not to be underestimated –

Of course, individual behaviors are not proven evidence that we are dealing with a liar. So make sure that a hint does not become reliable evidence. However, if we observe several of these signals during the conversation, it is likely that our interlocutor is actually a person who tends to lie. This gives us good reason to remain vigilant and not take his words at face value.