Allow nudists to work naked The Journal of Quebec

Allow nudists to work naked! – The Journal of Quebec

According to gender theorists, we should stop assigning gender to children because gender is not natural but a “social construction.”

In nature there would be no “male” and “female”.

This way of dividing people into two camps would be artificial and imposed by society.

The children should be free to choose their gender – or even better: they shouldn’t be allowed to choose one.

Buttocks in the air!

Let’s assume that gender is indeed a social construct.

Who tells us that social constructions must be deconstructed at all costs? Turned off?

The idea of ​​getting dressed when you leave the house is a social construct!

As far as I know, we weren’t born with clothes on…

Does this mean that we should let people decide whether to get dressed when they go to work?

That we nudists should not “impose” a social norm that they reject and that goes against their will, their desire?

Should we have offices for “all naked” and offices for “clothed” to respect diversity?

Like “male”, “female”, “trans” and “non-binary” toilets?

Should we allow kids who want to go to school with their butts up?

Under the pretext that they shouldn’t be bullied?

That they should be set free?

Life in society consists of thousands of unwritten social norms.

Should we deconstruct them all?

You can walk by the pool in a bathing suit, but not on the street in your underwear.

It’s a social norm.

It’s completely arbitrary.

Because between you and me: What’s the difference between a leotard and a pair of underwear? There is none!

Nevertheless, this social norm is accepted by everyone in the West.

Should it be thrown in the trash?

Allow men to walk around in panties?

The police wear lipstick?

Should news readers wear a dress?


It’s funny when you think about it: the people who want to deconstruct Western social norms are the same people who defend the Islamic veil!

But it’s a social norm!

Forced on women by a patriarchal regime!

Why should this hyperdiscriminatory and hyperliberticidal social norm be acceptable?

But not the fact that little boys wear blue pajamas and little girls wear pink pajamas?

The more you scratch, the more you realize that “gender theory” is a huge hoax full of inconsistencies, absurdities, and contradictions.

Unfortunately, this nonsense is now being taken seriously by our museums, our schools, our universities, and our government institutions.

Never before has an idea so lacking in seriousness and scientific basis found its way into our institutions so quickly!

Its scary…

To say that there are no more women, only “menstruating individuals with wombs” is as worrying to me as if tomorrow morning our universities would accept teaching that the earth is flat. ..

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