Coffee Its the athletes secret weapon its secret benefits are

Coffee: It’s the athlete’s secret weapon, its secret benefits are amazing | Revealed by the Nutritionist BioPianeta

Secret benefits of coffee for athletes

If you’re an athlete, you can’t help but drink coffee and discover its secret benefits: here the well-known nutritionist reveals them to you

Originally from Ethiopia, coffee is made from the roasted and ground beans of the Arabica coffee fruit. Coffee has been around for centuries only consumed in the Arab world for its stimulating effects, but its spread in Europe began in the 17th century. Today, coffee has become a real world culture.

However, it is not only one of the most consumed beverages in the world, but also helps our body. According to studies and research, it can provide a powerful boost of energy and lift your spirits. It is especially beneficial for all people who play sports.

What are the secret benefits of coffee: a scary performance boost

THE principles of action The substances found in coffee, such as caffeine and chlorogenic acid, can bring various benefits to athletes and athletes.

The effect of the benefits associated with coffee has been proven through research and research Studies published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. According to the researchers, taking caffeine before a workout for a short but fairly intense period of time can increase stress Lactate and interleoquin concentration. The release of these two substances helps improve endurance, movement speed and muscle strength, and supports various anaerobic and aerobic functions.

How many cups of coffee do you drink a day? –

“The Consorzio Promozione Caffè enthusiastically welcomes the continuous demonstrations of how coffee can be for athletes, in addition to a well-deserved moment of conviviality and relaxation, also a winning ally for their performance.” This must make us think about how much this drink for our Culture, our daily life and our health is becoming more and more important.” These are the words of Michael MonziniPresident of Coffee Promotion Consortium.

So One of the biggest benefits we can see how coffee can increase reflexes and reaction times. Helps improve overall performance, e.g causes your run speed to increase by up to 2% over your own time. Contributes to increase the hydration of our body and in general it intensifies all the positive aspects of training on our body.

In any case It is important not to exceed caffeine dosesin view of this over 200-300 mg daily (corresponds to 2-3 cups) can lead to this Insomnia, irritability, tachycardia and other undesirable effects.

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