André Valadão speaks out after his sexuality was exposed on the networks

On Tuesday (06.06.) the Protestant pastor André Valadão opened a question box in Instagram stories and finally commented on the controversy surrounding his name in the last few days. Former gospel singer Jessé Aguiar made a comment that put the Lagoinha Baptist Church leader’s sexuality at risk.

The priest was rumored to be a humble homosexual after criticism from the LGBTQIAP+ community. It is worth noting that André published a post on the networks saying: “God hates pride”, precisely during Pride month, which on June 28 in Brazil and in some countries around the world celebrates the Celebrating Sexual Diversity Day. The letters were painted with rainbows.

“What are your thoughts on the rumors surrounding your sexuality?” asked one follower. “Oh guys, this nonsense is a joke. These people are not believers, no (laughs). I’ve always been a straight male, big masculine word. What goes beyond that, my friend, is that of a dog.” Lie,” said the Christian.

Valadão subsequently criticized those responsible for spreading the rumours: “Just enter the Instagram of these people who make up these stories so you can see how high the level is, right guys? For the love of God!” he fired.

It’s worth remembering that Jessé Aguiar, who recently came out as gay, didn’t fail to speak out on André Valadão’s controversial publication. “I swore you would too… It whistles a lot!” he wrote.