The Cinematheque Quebecoise pays tribute to Jean Marc Vallee

The Cinémathèque Québécoise pays tribute to Jean-Marc Vallée

The Cinémathèque Québécoise pays tribute to the late filmmaker Jean-Marc Vallée this week, presenting some of his most memorable films.

• Also read: The Cinémathèque Québécoise celebrates its 60th anniversary

From June 7-9, Montreal cinema-goers will be able to see three of his feature films – CRAZY, Dallas Buyers Club and Wild – as well as his mid-1990s shorts Magic Flowers and Magic Words on the big screen.

A round table, moderated by Isabelle Raynauld, made up of producer Pierre Even (CRAZY), director Marie-Julie Dallaire (Comme une vague) and artistic director Patrice Vermette (CRAZY) is also on the programme.

In addition to this tribute, an international symposium entitled “Jean-Marc Vallée: from Quebec to Hollywood” will be held on June 8th at the Salle Fernand-Séguin of the Cinémathèque, organized by the University of Montreal.

Remember that Jean-Marc Vallée died of a sudden heart attack on December 25, 2021 at the age of 58.

More information about the program: