NASA unveils first video of a UFO for its conference

UFOs: Whistleblower Says US Military Has Alien Vehicles

Davis Grusch, a former intelligence officer for 14 years, claims to have provided Congress with information about the existence of UFOs that the government wanted to keep secret. He realizes that his speech could come close to that of conspiracy theorists.

Another American UFO whistleblower? Yes, but this one stands out for its apparent credibility. David Grusch, an American intelligence officer for 14 years and described by his former associates as remarkably honest, spoke publicly in an article published June 5 in the specialized press The Debrief, already at the origin of the revelations about the investigations he was conducting the US Army faced the UFOs.

In that article, the 36-year-old claims the US military and government illegally concealed from Congress that they had “intact and partially intact vehicles” of “non-human” origin.

The Pentagon has responded to these allegations and denied having withheld information about UFOs from Congress. Meanwhile, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, announced that a hearing would be organized to discuss these documents.

“Extraterrestrial or Unknown Origin”

The former military man says he has compiled a file containing evidence that the US military authorities have these vehicles and are hiding any information about them. He claims to have forwarded it to lawmakers and senators, as well as to the Intelligence Community Inspectorate General, which oversees America’s 18 intelligence agencies, including the CIA and NSA.

In his opinion, these machines were “of exotic origin”, that is, they were designed by a “non-human intelligence of extraterrestrial or unknown origin”. To confirm this, he relies on “the morphology of the vehicles and the scientific tests performed on their equipment, as well as the presence of atomic compositions and unique radiological signatures”.

In an interview with Le Parisien, he recalled the existence of a “bell jar about ten meters tall” recovered in 1933 in the northern Italian city of Magenta. First kept by the services of Benito Mussolini, it was recovered in 1944 by an American intelligence agency, the Office of Strategic Services, which has since disappeared.

He explains that for legal reasons he cannot say that he saw these vehicles with his own eyes.

“There’s always a chance that this will fuel more baseless conspiracy theories,” he admits. “The irony is that this was once a conspiracy theory that turned out to be true.”

“The public deserves to know certain facts”

The man told the French daily that he was asked to speak up after he “believed that the public deserved to know certain facts” and received approval from the Prepublication Office and the Department of Defense Security Review to to discuss unclassified files, including the Magenta case. “The American people can push their elected officials and the President to get answers,” he hopes.

“If the United States and its allies have answers, it strikes me as ethically wrong to keep them secret,” he said.

According to him, the allied countries knowing of the existence of these extraterrestrial vehicles are Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Australia, officially united by an intelligence alliance agreement nicknamed the “Five Eyes.”

victims of retaliation

David Grusch says he first reported an alleged illegality in not providing information to Congress to the US Department of Defense Inspector General in July 2021. He claims his report was sent to the ministry and he subsequently faced reprisals from some officials.

“They tried to attack my security clearance, they made allegations of misconduct against me, things like that,” he said, noting that he couldn’t comment further as an investigation was ongoing.

In April, David Grusch finally left the army. He tells Le Parisien that he has received numerous threats, including death threats, but believes that in such a situation “there is a real risk of remaining anonymous”. On the contrary, the publication of the case can attract “public support”, which can protect him and allow him to continue pursuing his claims.

In this context, he intends to set up a foundation “to help the scientific community to establish protocols on this subject” and would like to become “an opinion leader” on the issue.

interest of the Congress

These revelations come in the context of growing interest in the UFO issue by American lawmakers. In 2021, after a photo of a UFO was leaked from the Pentagon, the institution released a report that listed 140 unexplained reports to date, including dozens observed by military pilots.

In May 2022, for the first time in 56 years, a Senate committee organized hearings of intelligence and military leaders to clarify their knowledge of UFOs. NASA has also said it will launch an investigation into “destigmatizing” the issue and held its first press conference on the issue on May 31. She revealed an unreleased UFO video there.

75 years after Roswell, research into UFOs no longer seems to be the preserve of conspirators in the United States.

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