The deep cry of a mother from the Sainte Rose pedagogical

The deep cry of a mother from the Sainte-Rose pedagogical day-care center last night at the Parish Council – Courrier Laval

Last night, the mother of a young boy who was injured in last winter’s tragedy after an STL bus drove into the building of the Ste-Rose Educational Day Care Center came to the local council to plead with elected officials in the community.

His wish: postpone the return of bus line 151 to the Terrasse Dufferin roundabout until the autumn, planned for Saturday 10 June.

“We’re all still going through the trauma,” she said in an emotional voice, speaking of the children, parents, educators and members of the leadership of this daycare center at 2 Terrasse Dufferin in the Old Saint Rose.

Remember that the February 8 tragedy killed two children and injured six others.

670 prints in 24 hours

“We tried to speak to the STL, which rejected all our proposals,” continued Ms. Valérie Di Paolo.

In view of this rejection, the parents started a petition on social networks, which they also spread in the neighborhood. “We’ve captured 670 names in the last 24 hours,” she said.

The petition submitted to the municipal council essentially asks the city and the management of the Société de transport de Laval to postpone the passage of the bus line 151 in the roundabout to the daycare until September, because the children as adults are still very ill and very affected.

“The idea that bus service could be resumed in front of the day care center causes them a lot of stress. Especially since the reopening of the area covered by the bus is planned in the same week in which the STL wants to resume traffic in the roundabout.

Commitment of Mayor Boyer

Mayor Stéphane Boyer was quick to agree to Ms. Di Paolo’s request.

“With Mrs. Novac [conseillère municipale de Sainte-Rose] and the members who sit on the STL board, we will ensure that the line does not go through the roundabout. It is understood that the goal is to wait until the fall so that the cohort of young people does not relive the trauma; We will make sure that happens and that the line will take a different route when it resumes this week.