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Postorino leads the five finalists of the Strega Award Books

Rosella Postorino with “I limit myself to loving you” (Feltrinelli) leads the five finalists of the Strega Prize with 217 votes. This was followed by the disappearance of Ada D’Adamo with Come d’aria (Elliot), Maria Grazia Calandrone with Where you done me (Einaudi), Andrea Canobbio with The Night Crossing (The Ship of Theseus) and Romana Petri with Stealing the Night ( Mondadori). The Proclamation in Benevento in the Roman Theater. The winner will be chosen on July 6th at the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia.

Ada D’Adamo received 199 votes with Come d’aria (Elliot); Maria Grazia Calandrone, with Where you done me (Einaudi), 183 preferences; Andrea Canobbio, with The Night Crossing (The Ship of Theseus), 175 voices; Romana Petri, with Stealing the Night (Mondadori), 167 voices. These are the votes that the other books in the competition received: Igiaba Scego, Cassandra in Mogadishu (Bompiani), 158 votes; Silvia Ballestra, The Sibyl. Life of Joyce Lussu (Laterza), 145 votes; Andrea Tarabbia, The White Continent (Bollati Boringhieri) 136 voices; Gian Marco Griffi, Mexican Railways (Laurana Editore), 135 voices; Maddalena Vaglio Tanet, Return from the Forest (Marsilio), 117 voices; Carmen Verde, A Minimal Unhappiness (Neri Pozza), 89 voices; Vincenzo Latronico, The Perfections (Bompiani), 67 voices.

Postorino leads the five finalists of the Strega Award Books

ANSA agency

55 years old, ill for some time, her story in the memoir Come d’aria (ANSA)



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