1686177176 Surgical procedure He spends 134000 to grow 7 inches taller

Surgical procedure: He spends $134,000 to grow 7 inches taller

One man was so disappointed at being only 6 feet tall that he spent $134,000 on leg lengthening surgery to add 7 inches to his height.

“I realized my legs still looked weird and I didn’t know what it was,” Brian Sanchez, a 33-year-old mortgage broker who lives in Georgia, told The Sun. -United.

After sitting next to his much taller brother-in-law, the father of two realized his legs were too short for his body.

Surgical procedure: He spends $134,000 to grow 7 inches taller

Photo from Instagram | gotmykneesdone

“I’m wide, I have long arms, but my short legs make me look different,” he added.

Mr. Sanchez researched about leg lengthening surgeries and found Live Life Taller clinic in Turkey which has performed more than 4400 such surgeries.

Surgical procedure: He spends $134,000 to grow 7 inches taller

Photo from Instagram | gotmykneesdone

“I know it’s a very crazy thing, it’s extremely expensive, it’s time-consuming, it’s difficult, it’s painful and in some ways even risky,” Mr. Sanchez said.

A painful operation

To achieve his ambitions, Mr. Sanchez spent nearly $50,000 on his first surgery.

“They fractured my tibia and fibula and dug into the tibia to extract the bone marrow. Then they stuck a rod into the bone, secured it with screws, and attached the bone segments to external fixators with pins, so you have that piece of steel on the outside of your legs and you have constant open sores that won’t close until you get all of the material removed,” he said.

Surgical procedure: He spends $134,000 to grow 7 inches taller

Photo from Instagram | gotmykneesdone

Mr. Sanchez had to turn the mounting bolt himself once a day for two months. Despite the pain, he does not regret his operation.

“I think the pain will be worth it. When it’s all over I can just enjoy being taller and hopefully feeling on top of the world.

Mr. Sanchez, who has continued to use a wheelchair since recovering, has gained a total of 7 inches but wants to keep his feet on the ground.