1686178999 Barca sweat fat loss against Unicaja

Barça sweat fat loss against Unicaja

CBA – Semifinals – Day 1

barcabarcaUnicajaUnicajaVesely goes to the basket against Unicaja.Vesely goes to the basket against Unicaja.AFP7 via Europa Press (AFP7 via Europa Press)

It was more than a shock. Barça held a 17-point lead and, stunned by a superb Sima ahead of a fighting Unicaja like few, fell to two in the third quarter. But Vesely disputed the majority and clarified that Palau is a lot of Palau as the Barça side counts league games (19) by win over time. One to zero for Barça in the semifinals.

The fight began in the midget ring, with the shooters tongues licking and faces contorted as there were no baskets to enjoy for nearly three minutes. Vesely, Mirotic, Satoransky, Kravish, Perry, Djedovic… Nobody was right. Until Vesely, governor under the post, snapped a rebound and opened the can. Reel for Mirotic, who once again explained that the blunder against Madrid in the European semifinals was ablaze with three ridiculous points, that he must now shine to give himself a chance to once again assert himself with the Whites in the league final are able to overcome the inspired guy’s joventut. Brizuela tried to find inspiration for the trophy as he ripped Barça apart with 27 points. But neither he nor an astute Ejim could remedy Barca’s weapon of mass destruction: the triples. He signed 18 players – a competitive record – on the last outing to ditch Valencia, opening the gap in the first quarter, with Abrines and Sanli sniping.

Led by Alberto Díaz or Perry, Unicaja tried to attack quickly and break through the almost always efficient Barca defence. And although he was frequently used in offensive rebound, he suffered wrist triggers on the shot. Enough for Barça’s second unit to keep their distance and oxygenate the lungs of the Marvel quintet (there’s no key game the same team doesn’t start), who returned to the pitch to bend their rival a little more , to the point where even Satoransky unintentionally hit a 3-pointer in his alley-oop attempt for Mirotic. He was followed by Laprovittola, who had an argument with Perry that didn’t go too far but explained the tension typical of a semi-final. And Barça already had the first meeting on course during the break. Or not…

It turns out that Unicaja finally started shooting baskets from the field, thanks to a Sima who abused the rim, outstanding, in true NBA style, and was able to finish with 19 points. Impulse – with more than 70% shooting accuracy in the fourth round – was helped by Carter and Kalinoski, who made the duel closer by three points. For Barça, the ghosts emerged who were often accused of not knowing how to finish games and losing the competitive tone to complicate life. Tara, who rejected Vesely to seal fourth place with a snort of relief (66-58). But the epilogue stayed. Ejim wanted to put his signature, exceptional in rebounding. But the autograph also wanted to impress Vesely, who is happy to find shots from medium distance that make him one of the best European centers. He also wanted to express his Kalinoski, almighty on the track, the architect who ensured that the Barça team had just a small lead, namely three points (82-79), with 19 seconds left in the game. But the final signature, expressed with two free-throws from Laprovittola and a ambush on the horn from Mirotic that prevented the triple rival, came from Barcelona, ​​​​​​who conceded enthusiastically and won the first game of the tie.


Barcelona: Satoransky (10), Laprovittola (5), Abrines (12), Mirotic (14) and Vesely (12) – starting fivers –; Sanli (13), Kalinic (2), Tobey (0), Kuric (7) and Jokubaitis (9).

Unique: Perry (2), Brizuela (5), Djedovic (2), Ejim (14) and Kravish (4) – starting fivers –; Osetkowski (5), Kalinoski (12), Barreiro (0), Alberto Diaz (4), Carter (10), Sima (19) and Thomas (4).

Partially: 26-15; 19-16; 21-27; and 18-23.

Referee: Fernando Calatrava, Jordi Aliaga and Francisco Araña. Perry was sent off for personal fouls.

Palau Blaugrana. 5,390 spectators.

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